I have this old old old faucet and lever, came with the house, its broken the faucet button wont even go down anymore because of the build up no matter how much ive soaked and cleaned with clr this michigan water is so hard on my shower and everything is leaking i need to replace this entire thing. Redoing my whole tub and wall is not in the budget for me, (believe me I know I need to just tear it down and rebuild but I cant) what I can do is replace this ceusty broken faucet and lever but I need your guys help to do so. The clear part pulls right off as well and the screw is stuck on there, yet another reason i need to replace not just clean it up. What brand is this? The faucet same brand? And do I HAVE to replace the lever with another one that goes up to turn on, then left or right for temp, or can I replace it with a lever that just goes left to right? I really would prefer one thats just left to right i hate these old push up ones.. please and thank you.