Not to belabor the point, but not really. I understand exactly what you are saying. It's more of a wtf question. If I have an electrician come in to work in my kitchen, they are going to want to upgrade the circuit breakers to code. Having had 5 plumbing leaks in the home causing damage, there are things that make me go hmm (well a lot of things, but we'll restrict it to plumbing:
Not to belabor the point, but not really. I understand exactly what you are saying. It's more of a wtf question. If I have an electrician come in to work in my kitchen, they are going to want to upgrade the circuit breakers to code. Having had 5 plumbing leaks in the home causing damage, there are things that make me go hmm (well a lot of things, but we'll restrict it to plumbing:
- the complete lack of insurance company involvement to reduce their losses. When our second PB leak occurred, my wife made the claim, had a discussion with the adjuster, raised the notion of going 50/50 on the re-plumb (we had just missed the cut off for the settlement) and the lady laughed and said, "no, sorry we don't do that." My wife did not miss a beat as the adjust was a bit snippy, "Fine, I guess I'm getting new carpet again in 3 years." We'd been with this company for 30 years, so it was shocking the attitude. Just weird insurance stuff.
Years ago they offered free wireless leak detection but the systems were junk.
- I get the point about not wanting more government interference. Its bad enough as it is. The general level of inspector knowledge is shocking. It's only an excuse to trigger upping your home value.
- Getting back to the builder/developer (I sort of lumped them together) it seems to me that if I were building or buying a 750k home (I live in the Atlanta area so prices are absurd - not was bad as on the left coast but still...) a builder could really set themselves apart by offering this sort of support.
Yeah, I know, I'm dreaming.