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Currently in the Lab conducting research
Feb 9, 2021
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United states
Here are a few pics. If you have any questions I’ll try to answer.

First pic is when I decided to go all stainless for gas fittings. I bought a few fittings to check the quality. I love stainless......customers lap it up like ice cream.

Second pic is what I found on the top floor of a 3 story condo. Crazy huh ? 🤣

Third pic I was installing some sewer pipe....

Fourth pic is a 1” type L 2# silver brazed natural gas branch main for a residence.

Fifth pic is a commercial pool heater I pipes the gas to. Copper and stainless.

1.25” gas regulator to step down the pressure. The gas line in pic 4 serves this heater.
61BC1AD0-98EA-4901-BE5D-E0147511FA06.jpegHere’s an example of a combination waste and vent as it was done 25 years ago in this home. It satisfied their local code at the time of install and the original owners report zero trouble.
Wall was removed and copper header moved. New pex lines going up are for a new bath addition.

Copper was silver brazed. 7D309A03-4D39-4593-9016-E2F215D46BA1.png9C9C78AC-0039-4663-AD7D-7BAFEC2AA02B.jpeg512DFD00-FB85-429A-8F90-CF98C4A819AA.jpeg
7B4127C3-17AA-4D29-ABE0-6065DAFCC6AA.pngD262C264-16FB-4B5E-8132-0BF27106C927.jpegBathroom backed up on the opposite wall. Pulled the toilet and the 3” bend was so tight a 1/2” cable wouldn’t make the turns.

So I pulled this sink that the owners wanted removed anyway. This gave me a straight shot into the stack.

Ran about 30 ft and hit a soft blockage. Pulled back wet wipes and tampons.

Owner refused a proper 4” cleanout. Shame on him. 🤭
Lesson here is a lot of things work for a short time but eventually the plumber will be there to correct mistakes. Now they have water damage, but they saved $200 a year ago when Ricky the yard man “ fixed “ it......FFF2AE4F-B677-4AA8-BE7F-4863F92B15A4.jpeg
Floor guy doesn’t understand that a toilet connects to this.......

Wait, maybe he does....he removed the toilet then installed the floor.

Then they call the plumber......🤣🤣
I used to have one of those general drain machine , What would happen it that if the head hit something hard, the cable would loop around your arms and twist hard. You had to be very fast to take your foot off the petal , but even them it would take a couple of revolution to stop with you all caught up in the cable. this happen a few time and then never again i got rid of it.
I used to have one of those general drain machine , What would happen it that if the head hit something hard, the cable would loop around your arms and twist hard. You had to be very fast to take your foot off the petal , but even them it would take a couple of revolution to stop with you all caught up in the cable. this happen a few time and then never again i got rid of it.
Sounds like you had the machine running in the wrong direction.
If you run it in the wrong direction when the cable head hits something snd stops rotating the cable will jump out of the machine and wrap you up.

If you have it running in the right direction but have too much cable out it will wrap you up as well if the head stops turning.

There is definitely an art to working a cable......

I have a hand operated machine that my helper nearly cut his finger off with. It was hanging by the skin on the palm side. The machine built up torque and it started back spinning like a boat winch......he tried to stop it. It was a mess. I had warned him many times.
That's a GOOD floor guy. The BAD floor guy would have traced around the toilet and left 1/2" open for caulk..:confused:
I made the floor guys come back and cut around it.

They still didn’t cut enough. That’s what you get when they smoke and drink their breakfast.
This wall is leaking the customer says.
Yep I found the leak.....
The brass pipe was thick and in great condition.
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I always thought stainless wasn't allowed for Nat. gas. One time a guy at work took home some stainless to hook up his Nat. gas and the inspector made him change it to black. But that was 30 years ago
I always thought stainless wasn't allowed for Nat. gas. One time a guy at work took home some stainless to hook up his Nat. gas and the inspector made him change it to black. But that was 30 years ago

Ignorant inspector. There are stainless gas lines with hundreds of psi running through them in industrial settings that are also subject to vibration.

Our gas lines only have 2lb max.....most have 8”w.c.

The number one cause of a gas leak in my area is rotten steel pipe...
There are also compression fittings that are a lot better than a 45 degree flare but they’re illegal.....🤣🤣🤣🤣

Parker two piece ferrule compression fittings are the cats butt......

Ive done tests myself, I don’t care what anyone says.

I pressured them up tovarious pressures with nitrogen and connected the tubing to my 10hp generator that shakes, rattles and rolls. After two days the 45 degree flare leaked. I repeated the test multiple times. The flare joint eventually leaked, two piece ferrule compression didnt.
Concrete sewer leading to a septic tank.
I popped one hole, uncovered the other. 9BB3314A-C478-4AB5-B499-6CA1FF12BA2C.jpegB23C2887-AAFC-45D1-83E1-6E03EE5A2B84.jpeg


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