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Just made my every Monday/Wednesday/Friday jaunt to the local seller of hooch, the Virginia ABC store, a day early because supplies were running low and because we are officially now in a recession so I need a way to celebrate. Out the door now costs about $175 give or take but at least they had what I wanted. Interesting to find the the old Russian branded vodkas are still on the shelf but are being sold because the "Made In" label no longer says Russia but places like Latvia, etc.

On the way to and from the store I put on NPR just to see what the rest of the world thinks. Mistake. Big mistake for me but it is what it is.

I passed by a local plumbing supply house along the way and thought about toilets.
There are other solutions besides the surgery and a CPAP. Here's one: ProSomnus Sleep Technologies - Get Better Sleep. Wasn't cheap but for the most part, works for me.
A friend of mine, an Air Traffic Controller whose job was on the line unless he could get the sleep apnea under control, had some surgical procedure done to the back of his throat that was very painful and altered his voice forever. It did help get the sleep apnea under control however. Gives me the "willies" just relaying the story!
I probably have sleep apnea but I can't get the sleep study done because I don't have insurance. In this state if you don't have insurance or the place doesn't take your insurance or if your insurance doesn't cover it then you can't get it done. You get treated like dirt. There is some debate on causality, but sometimes sleep apnea can contribute to weight gain. I am overweight from thyroid condition (and my metabolism changed right when I had ankle injuries that kept me off my feet for a long time). I used to do weightlifting. Now I can barely lift myself up out of bed. I'm hovering under 220lbs.

Earlier I started hearing weird sort of crackling noises from over near my desktop pc. I was smelling electrical burning as well but didn't see anything. Went to the store, came back, and pc had rebooted. Tried using it and it worked a little but then stuff started shutting down. It froze up. I rebooted but it got stuck at a loading menu. Wouldn't turn off with buttons on the front. Had to flip the power switch off. Let it sit awhile, turned it back on, more crackling sounds and then I saw smoke coming from the APC (power backup). Not sure if my power supply from the PC is causing it or if its the APC. Or both. APC seems to be working for everything else.

So, now there is that strong electrical smell in my room and it sucks. Its giving me a bit of a headache.

Blueskyhigh, when was the last time you replaced the mask on your cpap? My mom's masks get loose and she has to switch them out. Otherwise they leak air.
Blueskyhigh, when was the last time you replaced the mask on your cpap? My mom's masks get loose and she has to switch them out. Otherwise they leak air.
When I first got the machine, I transitioned from the clunky full face mask to the little nasal pillow type after about a week of using it but the machine is sitting in the closet and no longer gets any use because it never really worked effectively and, for me, For me, the cure was worse than the disease itself. When it was in use, I changed the important parts of the mask out about once ever six months. As I recall, the elastic straps needed to be replaced more often then the parts that actually contain the airflow. The last time I used the machine was a long, long time ago and I also never bought into the cleaning system that was being hawked by the C.O. of the USS Enterprise, Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner), was selling on late night TV.

That's a crying shame about not having insurance while being in this country especially after all the hype about the A.C.A. and that everybody would be insured but I guess you can't believe everything you hear about what was in that 2,000 page tome that had to be passed before we could see what was in it. It makes me very sad.
Inspected a brand new construction home. Yikes there’s already water in the crawl space.

Bad grading—water from driveway direct flows against this wall. But the wall should be waterproofed AND there should be a barrier membrane AND foundation drainage. My guess is none of it… so where does the water go? Inside. I can’t believe the way they do things here…


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Blueskyhigh, my state refused to fully implement the ACA.

My mom has the small pillow face cushion things but she has adjustable straps with magnets so they clip right on. But if you're not comfortable and it doesn't help, I can understand why you'd stop using it.

I got a flashlight and took a better look at my APC. Cats threw up a hairball on the back of it and it had dripped down and shorted out the port my computer was plugged into. I moved some plugs around and got a new surge protector. Plugged it in independently and the computer ran fine. shut it down & moved the plug to a different port on the APC-- didn't like the sounds it made going in so I plugged the surge protector into the back of it instead. It works fine now. Too bad a couple of my USB ports got fried though. It had numerous ports so I moved things to other ports and I have a USB hub on my keyboard cover. I slide my keyboard under the cover thingy so cats won't vomit on it or step on it rather than unplugging it every time.

So, at least that is fixed.

I took my friend to the store and he helped me find the surge protector. Also helped me find some lightbulbs and I got him some tp, milk, and soup. He still can't eat solid food and he was out of stuff he could eat.
My cat caught a baby bunny rabbit. Brought it up on my porch and was watching it……

I walked out and the bunny ran and the cat followed.

I yelled at cat and she stopped. Had to get the cat inside. Baby bunny ran off seemingly unhurt. 🥰
Speaking of cats, my "slitch" of an LG Dishwasher coughed up a "hairball "1E" error message. The unit's about six years old and already has had two complete sumps installed and a diverter valve in it's young life. The gurus on the net say that it is the inlet water valve so Amazon's got one coming to me tomorrow. Wish me luck, because if that doesn't work, I'm going to bite the bullet and get a high-end Bosch unit.

We have a mess of blue tailed lizards running around and the mom, I know she's a mom because she wears a skirt, has about twelve little one-inch lizards in tow. Very cute.

The House passed a bill yesterday, that if passed by the Senate and signed by the POTUS, will make me an instant felon :-(
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Recommendation needed: I don't trust the installers that the local big box stores have sent me in the past to install appliances, major and minor alike nor do I trust myself for doing a tip-top job. I am looking to replace three toilets and I intend to procure them myself but have a really talented professional do the installation.

Is there an online resource that would allow me to find the best of the best of the best available in my local area?
Speaking of cats, my "slitch" of an LG Dishwasher coughed up a "hairball "1E" error message. The unit's about six years old and already has had two complete sumps installed and a diverter valve in it's young life. The gurus on the net say that it is the inlet water valve so Amazon's got one coming to me tomorrow. Wish me luck, because if that doesn't work, I'm going to bite the bullet and get a high-end Bosch unit.

We have a mess of blue tailed lizards running around and the mom, I know she's a mom because she wears a skirt, has about twelve little one-inch lizards in tow. Very cute.

The House passed a bill yesterday, that if passed by the Senate and signed by the POTUS, will make me an instant felon :-(
What the gun thing ? I don’t think it prohibits owning them. I’m almost positive it doesn’t.
What the gun thing ? I don’t think it prohibits owning them. I’m almost positive it doesn’t.
I read the text. It does prohibit ownership.

Shown Here:​

Introduced in House (03/11/2021)​

Assault Weapons Ban of 2021

This bill makes it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD).

I stand corrected. Reading further down current owners are "grandfathered". No new ones can be had and those that are "grandfathered" can't transfer them.
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I read the text. It does prohibit ownership.

Shown Here:​

Introduced in House (03/11/2021)​

Assault Weapons Ban of 2021

This bill makes it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD).
So it was dated 3/11/21 ?

I’d like a link if you have it.
Is an M-14 still considered an assault rifle if the automatic firing has been disabled? Asking for a friend.

I had the sudden urge to do some cleaning today. I went to a part of the house I don't normally go to and happened to notice a cat crap smell. It seemed to be coming from the sideboard. I moved some boxes and got down on the floor with a flashlight and discovered a huge pile of cat crap. I have sinus/allergy issues so my nose is plugged up a lot and with my back I have had trouble getting up and down so I hadn't bothered looking there before. I filled 3/4 of a 13 gallon trash bag. I found the missing wii fit board, a can of foaming carpet shampoo (rusted and covered in crap so I tossed it), an old phone handset, a jar of Reeses peanutbutter, and dried up hairballs in the mix. There was also an old extension cord that was super nasty. Everything crap-covered got tossed.

I'm taking a break from cleaning. Need to get the main kitchen trash bag hauled out so I can start filling a new one. My bag is not up to the lifting. My damn grabber arm disappeared on me too.
Is an M-14 still considered an assault rifle if the automatic firing has been disabled? Asking for a friend.

I had the sudden urge to do some cleaning today. I went to a part of the house I don't normally go to and happened to notice a cat crap smell. It seemed to be coming from the sideboard. I moved some boxes and got down on the floor with a flashlight and discovered a huge pile of cat crap. I have sinus/allergy issues so my nose is plugged up a lot and with my back I have had trouble getting up and down so I hadn't bothered looking there before. I filled 3/4 of a 13 gallon trash bag. I found the missing wii fit board, a can of foaming carpet shampoo (rusted and covered in crap so I tossed it), an old phone handset, a jar of Reeses peanutbutter, and dried up hairballs in the mix. There was also an old extension cord that was super nasty. Everything crap-covered got tossed.

I'm taking a break from cleaning. Need to get the main kitchen trash bag hauled out so I can start filling a new one. My bag is not up to the lifting. My damn grabber arm disappeared on me too.
I suggest you not have any animals living inside your home. Sounds like it’s a health hazard.