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My wife is off to Costco to get one of those $4.99 roasted chickens for the kid. I'll report back with any "Putin-induced" price hikes.
It's a well known "loss leader" for Costco, costs them more than that. But nobody walks in to Costco and gets JUST a chicken...A few years back, they did raise the price to $6.99 but made the chickens larger. BIG PUSHBACK so they lowered the price back down to $4.99 and made the chickens the same old smaller size.

About walking into Costco...a few years ago I'm walking into one, and these three college age "bros" are walking out with their shopping cart literally overflowing. They were yelling at each other as they were having to stop and pick stuff up in the parking lot as it fell off the pile, smacking each other upside the head, etc. It was a sight. I'm observing this with laughter, and then the guy pushing the cart turns to me and says, "We came in just for milk and batteries..."
Thanks for that story! It made my day! The last time we went in there for a pizza we left with a new Weber Genesis stainless steel grill.

News flash! The loss leader is still leading the losses. Still $4.99 and bigger than ever.

(EDIT: I wonder if the college kids actually paid for the stuff? These days there is no telling at all!)
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Thanks for that story! It made my day! The last time we went in there for a pizza we left with a new Weber Genesis stainless steel grill.

News flash! The loss leader is still leading the losses. Still $4.99 and bigger than ever.
...and what else did your wife leave with beside the $5 chicken? (PS: love my Genesis Series II natural gas grill...Built a special deck JUST for the grill.)
I dare not even consider the possibilities! Weber makes some great products for sure! Ours is propane because I didn't want the hassle of having someone run a gas line. Oddly, the price of propane here at the local H.D. is a few cents lower than it was a couple of years ago.
Thanks for that story! It made my day! The last time we went in there for a pizza we left with a new Weber Genesis stainless steel grill.

News flash! The loss leader is still leading the losses. Still $4.99 and bigger than ever.

(EDIT: I wonder if the college kids actually paid for the stuff? These days there is no telling at all!)
I can’t afford the gas to drive to Costco for a chicken. 🫶
Gas was 3.494 down here.

I did a lazy person's chicken soup. I used Swanson's chicken broth and heated up frozen chicken in a steamer bag in the microwave. Cut up the chicken, heated the broth, threw the chicken in and dumped the juice from it. No veggies or anything as Mom was feeling a bit nauseous.

We have a Farberware 7-in-1 electric pressure cooker. We have two actually- 8qt and 6qt. We make stews, beans, soups, meat etc in the 8qt and rice in the 6qt. We also have an air fryer (that looks sort of like a taller toaster oven) next to the microwave. We make pork chops, air fried shrimp, etc in that.

Whoever thinks grandmas were always right never met my grandmothers. LOL. Neither one of them could cook worth a damn.

Today I rested and cooked shepherd's pie for mom. Woke up sweating like crazy so I think I need to get my thyroid meds adjusted but will have to get bloodwork done first.
Gas was 3.494 down here.

I did a lazy person's chicken soup. I used Swanson's chicken broth and heated up frozen chicken in a steamer bag in the microwave. Cut up the chicken, heated the broth, threw the chicken in and dumped the juice from it. No veggies or anything as Mom was feeling a bit nauseous.

We have a Farberware 7-in-1 electric pressure cooker. We have two actually- 8qt and 6qt. We make stews, beans, soups, meat etc in the 8qt and rice in the 6qt. We also have an air fryer (that looks sort of like a taller toaster oven) next to the microwave. We make pork chops, air fried shrimp, etc in that.

Whoever thinks grandmas were always right never met my grandmothers. LOL. Neither one of them could cook worth a damn.

Today I rested and cooked shepherd's pie for mom. Woke up sweating like crazy so I think I need to get my thyroid meds adjusted but will have to get bloodwork done first.
Do you have sleep apnea ?
Do you have sleep apnea ?
Don't we all? I don't mean to make light of the question you asked of Zanne, but my left side is constantly bruised from the shots I take to the ribs by "accidental elbows" and this is with a CPAP machine. Maybe I need to check out that new implant device I've seen advertised.
Don't we all? I don't mean to make light of the question you asked of Zanne, but my left side is constantly bruised from the shots I take to the ribs by "accidental elbows" and this is with a CPAP machine. Maybe I need to check out that new implant device I've seen advertised.
Sleep apnea will cause all kinds of health problems. No, not everyone has it. Most of the time I see people with sleep apnea they are overweight but I’m sure you could have it and be normal weight.
As you mentioned, one of the two types of sleep apnea can be exacerbated by being chubby. Obstructive, where the muscles in the back of your throat relax and the type that is compounded by being overweight, and Central, where the brain's signals get interfered with. Most have obstructive I suspect.

(And as the Orange Cat was fond of stating, "I am not overweight. I am just undertall.")
Don't we all? I don't mean to make light of the question you asked of Zanne, but my left side is constantly bruised from the shots I take to the ribs by "accidental elbows" and this is with a CPAP machine. Maybe I need to check out that new implant device I've seen advertised.
The stats say 1 in 5 adults have it, but 80-90% are undiagnosed. CPAP is effective but 50% of those who have that stop using it because they are uncomfortable. I know for a fact that I would NOT be able to get a good night's sleep wearing what amounts to scuba gear on my head and face, no how-no way. And, since the purpose of the CPAP is to give you a calm unobstructed sleep, this seems to be a paradox. When I had an in-home sleep test, wired up with a heart monitor, a bunch of wires and a nasal cannula, I think I got just 2 hours of sleep that night. Now you want breathing tubes and a machine to pump air into me? Wouldn't work for me.

There are other solutions besides the surgery and a CPAP. Here's one: ProSomnus Sleep Technologies - Get Better Sleep. Wasn't cheap but for the most part, works for me.