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Another good diet is all the grilled chicken, steamed vegetables and water you care to eat. Breakfast lunch and dinner. No potato

Exercise 45 minutes a day.

I got lean on that system before. Works good and you’re never hungry.
I steer clear of low fat crud. They add more sugar into it to make up for the lack of fat. Plus I hate the taste. I had some oatmeal but apparently my dogs liked the taste bc they found the box, tore it open, and ate it all. LOL.

I love grilled chicken but it is hard to find in this area. I do have some boneless skinless chicken thighs and I can put them in the air fryer. I have been cooking more in the air fryer. I have some pork chops to cook in it. I also have some frozen asparagus, brussel's sprouts, etc that are steamed in the microwave. I need to do some walking-in-place in the kitchen on the anti-fatigue mat. Easier on the joints and no worries about weather. There's a thunderstorm right now.

I talked to my doctor and he recommended at least 30min of exercise a day, but he said I can break it up into 5-minute increments if I have trouble. I have an issue with two prolapsed valves in my heart. When my heart rate goes up, the blood flows back into my heart instead of to my brain and I don't get enough oxygen.

Last night I went looking for my cat, Boo. He turned up and I brought him inside, but I saw that the hose for the water trough was disconnected form the spigot. Cows were licking at it but were mad (it was barely on for some reason). Trough was empty. It was too dark to see well & cows wouldn't get out of my way for me to deal with it so I went back out early this morning to check. Tested the spigot to make sure water was good before reconnecting the hose. Nothing came out of the valve though. Had that thing over a decade so I figured its time for a replacement. Waited for TSC to open and went in and got the new filler & a new hose plus a bag of sweet feed to distract the cows.

My brother helped me by reading the instructions and putting cotter pins in. I can't find my reading glasses so I couldn't read the text and I couldn't see the holes. He went inside after that. I dumped the trough out to get rid of the muck, took the old filler off, put the new one on. Cows came over just as I was tightening the bolts on the clamps. They were happy to get fresh water again. They got thirsty while eating I guess. After drinking a bit they went back to their feed.

When I woke up I was sweating and noticed it had that sour smell I get when I haven't taken my thyroid meds. I know I took them last night so I think they aren't working as much anymore. I'll have to get my levels checked and see if I need a higher dose.
Another good diet is all the grilled chicken, steamed vegetables and water you care to eat. Breakfast lunch and dinner. No potato

Exercise 45 minutes a day.

I got lean on that system before. Works good and you’re never hungry.
Who was it that suggested you were Jack LaLanne? He had it right before anyone else. Amazing man. Look him up.
I have a love affair when it comes to food! Glorious food!
Me, too. Was reading through this thread - a whole lot of stuff I'm not supposed to eat any more. :( My wife tries to keep me on the squirrel diet - nuts, twigs, and berries. I should just sell the mower and eat the yard. I do feel a whole lot better and have a ton of energy, but the truck still wants to brake and pull in when we pass a Krispy Kreme. :(
The other bench is assembled but needs the edges routed, sanded and finished. Hopefully will get that mostly done today.

Lucky to have found a local exotic lumber yard that carries local Eastern cedar in dimensional standard sizes.

Thankfully another neighbor allowed me to borrow his bench top planer, as all the wood was rough sawn.

No exposed fasteners except the walnut dowels holding the edges on.
That's a beautiful bench. Love the way the wood looks.

And the squirrels will fight you for the twigs and nuts.
The bench looks good!

I got stuff at Samsclub the other day & picked up a Lowes order. They now have lockers where you scan a barcode & the correct locker opens. Got in, got my stuff, and got out. No having to deal with rude associates or waiting while they search for my items (which can sometimes take hours).

Took my friend for a dental appointment Monday. His dentures were rubbing his gums so he got it fixed-- no charge. He's got another appointment next Monday. My brother informed me about some dog mess somewhere in the house. He told me twice so I think he expects me to clean it up but it was his dog who made the mess.

I'm waiting for him to finish with the washing machine so I can do some laundry.
I’ve been picking a closet, room or space everyday to go through and organize and throw things away.

I’m on my 8 day, feels good to get rid of junk.
Twowaxhack, I need to do something like that but maybe do a section of a room each day. House is really cluttered up and there's no way I could do a whole room in one day. I just need to figure out where to start. I'm thinking kitchen might be good. I will probably have to take a day off in between bc of how my fatigue works. If I'm active one day I am exhausted the next few days.

Mom wasn't feeling well today so I made her some chicken soup.
Mom wasn't feeling well today so I made her some chicken soup.
Zanne, I am not sure about you, but when we make chicken soup we try and find the biggest and oldest chicken we can find. Young chickens just don't seem to be appropriate for the most medicinal of chicken soups and we use the new fangled "Instapot" pressure cooking device to cook it for about 30 minutes. The meat falls off the bones and the goodness inside the bones is completely released as well.
I am working on a new "bored out of my mind project". Amazon has a cool desktop toy floating globe that hangs suspended of a "string" made of magnetic lines of force. Pretty cool if you ask me but I want to modify and automate it so that the globe rotates and hopefully in the correct directions. I am taking a micro powered aquarium pump that puts out 100 ml of air per minute and piping it to an outlet orifice exiting the globe stand just above where the globe is suspended. Wish me luck!
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I guess it won't take much air to achieve your goals. You just have to hide the pump so as not to be disturbed by the noise?
Sounds fun.
Yup. Almost a whisper of air and the pump is rated at <25dba so it should be quiet. Proof of concept proves that it works and now back to discretely "plumbing" the line into the housing.
when we make chicken soup we try and find the biggest and oldest chicken we can find. Young chickens just don't seem to be appropriate for the most medicinal of chicken soups and we use the new fangled "Instapot" pressure cooking device to cook it for about 30 minutes. The meat falls off the bones and the goodness inside the bones is completely released as well.
Well, grandma had it right.

You don't need a new-fangled "insta-pot" just a plain old pressure cooker. One less appliance, one less thing to take up space and one less thing to break down. I've been using a pressure cooker for 40 years. First an older aluminum one and then about 20 years ago splurged on a new stainless steel T-Fal unit. Been working ever since, though I did replace the gasket about 10 years ago. Of course you can do more with an automatic Insta-Pot, or an Air-Fryer, or any number of these things.

Unless you are "out in the country" with farm raised fowl that you can pick and choose, it's only the rare occasion where you can find a "stewing chicken" too tough for grilling or normal consumption at a grocery store or butcher if you have one nearby. I did see one recently at Publix.

We normally get a $5 rotisserie chicken, get one or two family meals out of it, (throwing NOTHING away); and after we've had those meals, throw it in the pressure cooker with 3 quarts of water for an hour. The yield is a lot of meat for the soup, 2 quarts of thick bone-stock, and a lot of skin, and other inedible parts that the dog drools for. In fact, she waits patiently for these treats at our feet.

That $5 chicken goes a long way...the bone stock can make soup, risotto, or be used in anything requiring broth. It can be frozen if need be.