Now that would be cool....!My next acquisition is a Holodeck.
Now that would be cool....!My next acquisition is a Holodeck.
They used to make some 3d tvs that were curved that would project the image .. almost like a holo image. I think yhey went defunct.My next acquisition is a Holodeck.
we've found the costco chickens' flavor drops after first day.We still opt for the five or six plus pound loss leading $4.99 chicken from Costco.
Agreed and that’s why ours doesn’t last that long. Any leftovers, including the meat and bones, goes to the freezer for reincarnation as soup stock.we've found the costco chickens' flavor drops after first day.
Ditto!Agreed and that’s why ours doesn’t last that long. Any leftovers, including the meat and bones, goes to the freezer for reincarnation as soup stock.
zanne, are you saying Sam's chickens are $2.50?The Samsclub chickens are seasoned better than the walmart chickens. They are twice the size and half the price. Although I have noticed they have been getting a bit smaller over time.
Ooh, I love Star Trek, Star Wars, and Stargate. Well, I loved SG1, not Atlantis.
A holodeck would be so cool! I was watching The Ready Room where they talked about Star Trek Strange New Worlds and they have TV screens all around the sets with images of what the areas look like to make the actors feel more immersed in the locations instead of just being in front of green screen. And speaking of green screen, there's a blooper in Stargate: SG! episode about the crystal skull where they are walking through a cave and they edited out part of Teal'c's head because the blue screen reflected on his bald head and the editors didn't notice when they used the computer software to remove all the blue to have the background visible instead. As another aside, the US government actually had a Project Stargate but it was for alleged psychics doing remote viewing.
Phone woke me up this morning. Probably a spoofed number but looked local. I answered groggily & said "Hello". Guy on the other end laughed, coughed, and then hung up. I guess it was a prank call. Phone doesn't keep track of numbers that call in unless we miss the call. No idea who it was or what his major malfunction was.
Called the Diabetes Supply place that had called me on Friday when I was busy dealing with the pump situation. They are sending Mom's insulin and it allegedly will arrive tomorrow. We never get mail that fast so I'm dubious. We'll see.
For now I'm waiting for Mom to wake up enough so we can go to alexandria to look for something for her to wear to the wedding. She doesn't want to wear what she wore to the previous one. And I've got Mewlatto sitting on me. He's been super clingy with me the last few days. Even let me rub his belly without objecting or kicking.
Twowax, your 1 crazyman....I trap birds in my backyard and BBQ them in a homemade BBQ sauce and eat them with jalapeños and Saltine crackers. I add cheese sometimes.
Blue jays are chewy and hummingbirds are easy to overcook.
No. $4 something. Chickens at walmart in my area are over $8. My walmart charges higher prices than a lot of other Walmarts in the area because there's a lot of theft.zanne, are you saying Sam's chickens are $2.50?
There's that pesky "p" word againI forgot to say "thank you" to @havasu for creating the politics thread.
Not to sure where sane is, but I believe your in it....Yesterday I "re-plumbed" my house. I went from CAT5E to CAT6A. Meow!!!
I've been accused of that, but sometimes you simply need the biggest, fastest, most powerful anything and everything. Or you have too much time on your hands.Not to sure where sane is, but I believe your in it....
I thought I had somehow used the p word that rhymes with wussy again. LOL.
A friend of mine who lives in France was having trouble logging in to a private forum we're on and I was able to contact the support for the forums and get them to reset her password for her and send her the temporary password so she could get logged in. She wasn't receiving any of the password reset e-mails prior to that. So now she's back and posting there again. Before Tapatalk took over, I was able to reset password for members but they took away most of the admin powers.
Watched a bunch of videos on cool products and looked for stuff in my bathroom. I found some stuff I'd been missing, but now misplaced other stuff. LOL.
This is an interesting-looking product. Looks like it might be easy to forget to lock them together and they could get torn up though.