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I've watched a few of the videos from that cat rescue channel. They do good work taking care of the kitties. Interesting that the mama cat trusted them enough to bring her kittens to them. We once had a cat who brought her kittens to our doorstep. Opened the door and they were literally on the step.

I had a busy day. Weather was a bit cloudy and cool but not too cold. I took out trash, hauled trash bags from the pile in front of the porch out to the burn pile. Didn't get all of them because I worked up a sweat and needed a break. I unloaded more stuff from the truck and put it away. Tried to clean the leaves, twigs, and scum out of the cow waterer but stepped in a fire ant mound so I stopped and had to get them off of me. Couldn't stand close enough to it without more ants getting on me. Scared a poor frog that had been chilling in the trough.

Cooked for Mom. Organized some stuff in my bathroom. Drove my brother to work. Stopped at Walmart to get some storage bins. Stopped at friend's house to pick up a package Fedex delivered to his address without my permission (it was set to be delivered to my house). Lodged a complaint with Fedex about it. Watched friend's toddler bellyflop on the floor while running over to see me. Petted some kitties at friend's house.

Got home and cooked for Mom. Unloaded more stuff from the truck. My brother had almost his entire outfit for friends' wedding in the truck. I put his shoes, tie, shoelaces, suspenders, etc in a bin. I put heavy duty over-the-door hooks on my bathroom door to hang up his suit and hang up some of my clothes. Nothing is safe in my closet bc the doors are broken. Put a bunch of my stuff in a bin. Got bins stacked in my bathroom.

Stepped in the same cow turd repeatedly in the dark (its right next to the truck). Even tripped on the thing. It was piled up pretty high.

Currently resting until its time to go pick up my brother around 1am.
I got the double Pfizer and about 8 months later came down with Covid. I trust nothing being pushed from Pfizer or that criminal doctor running NHS. Thankfully Faucci is gone, the little turd. So now suddenly we have a new disease (problem) that we must panic over. And it's the exact same method - fear mongering.
I got the double Pfizer and about 8 months later came down with Covid. I trust nothing being pushed from Pfizer or that criminal doctor running NHS. Thankfully Faucci is gone, the little turd. So now suddenly we have a new disease (problem) that we must panic over. And it's the exact same method - fear mongering.
Same as me. My wife completely refused to listen to that fraud, never got the jab, and never got Covid. I got the Pfizer 2 shot jab, and 8 months later developed Covid. We are both retired, are always in the company of another, but I got it and she didn't. Pretty telling, isn't it?
Same as me. My wife completely refused to listen to that fraud, never got the jab, and never got Covid. I got the Pfizer 2 shot jab, and 8 months later developed Covid. We are both retired, are always in the company of another, but I got it and she didn't. Pretty telling, isn't it?
All about the money... I think the money from the flu shot was declining so they needed another source... thus comes covid.. and all the other vaccines you see on tv now.
LOL. We used to have a farm full of livestock when I was younger. As a kid, I raised a "dummy calf" named Annabelle. Had to leave her behind when we went overseas. When we came back, only pets still around were the ******** horse (that horse was seriously an a-hole) and Anabelle. A few years later she got really sick & the vet had to come out to treat her & saw how much I doted on her and how hard I cried when she had to be put down, so when he had another dummy calf, he called to see if we wanted her since she needed a loving home. We picked her up and I raised her. Then a bull next door broke the fence and impregnanted her and she had a baby. We only have the 2 cows. If they weren't so much work I wish we still had chickens and goats. Both chickens and goats keep the weeds down. The chickens will dig up seeds and prevent trees from growing where we don't want them and the goats will eat the weeds and keep stuff down too.

Back in the day we had horses, the cow, goats, pigs, dogs, turkeys, geese, ducks, chickens, pigeons, quail, dogs, cats, gerbils, and hamsters. I used to carry a 50lb sack of feed on each shoulder and happily put feed out for the critters. I also helped hold the goats still for deworming. Goats were playful so I got to pet them and play with them. My pigs loved being petted too. I groomed the horses & enjoyed going for long walks in the back field with about 20 to 40 out of the 60+ cats following me.

Nowadays I couldn't do the heavy lifting and don't have the energy, but I enjoyed that when I was younger.

So, Mom woke me up 3 minutes before my alarm went off because she seems to have forgotten that I always set alarms for things and did not need a reminder to go pick my brother up. Being woken up before my alarm makes me incredibly cranky. LOL. My brother called when I was on the way and I pulled over to answer and told him I was on the way. Listened to Mortal Kombat theme song the entire way back to keep myself awake. Mom woke me up again in the middle of the night needing her blood sugar checked. It was 44 so I got her some candy and apple juice. She's fine now.

AT&T called this morning to say they fixed the line and it was broken somewhere in town. I think the guy said "a bad collar" but the phone woke me so I was too tired to think clearly. But I'm so relieved that is taken care of. And the line was clear sounding with no buzzing or static.

My Amazon orders haven't arrived at the post office yet so I don't have to go in and get mail. I can wait until Monday when I take Mom for her doctor appointment.

I'm going to get some rest today, I hope. LOL.
Today I was moved to action: Yesterday we had a house completely demolished in what appears to be a natural gas explosion in Sterling, VA, which is a hop, skip and a jump from where I live. You may have seen it on the news. One fireman killed (God rest his soul) and eleven others injured when they went into the burning house to put out the fire only to have the whole thing go off like a bomb. Silly question, but wouldn't protocol say that you shut off the gas and the electricity before going in to fight a fire? Any fireman out there who could possibly shed some light on this?

Anyway, up until today, I kept three spare tanks of propane in the garage of our home. Talk about stupid! They are now outside in the back yard in a protected environment. Come to think of it, I do vaguely remember the folks at Home Depot coming unglued when I brought an empty container of propane into the store for exchange.

A word to the wise should be sufficient.
Electricity and gas are *supposed* to be shut off, but the firemen can't do it. They have to get the utility companies to do it and it sounds like either the utility companies didn't do it fast enough or someone ducked up and didn't ask them to cut the stuff off. The firefighters follow orders from someone and if that person told them to go in, its on them-- assuming that person had made the call to have stuff shut off and it hadn't been shut off. I can understand why they went in when there was a time crunch and they wanted to get people out asap though. They likely had no idea that the gas could blow up.

I spoke too soon about the phoneline. It's already out again.