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A few months back, it was announced the flu shot has proven to be poorly effective. Pfizer world!
Just read a story coming from the WHO (not the rock group consisting of vocalist Roger Daltrey, guitarist Pete Townshend, bassist John Entwistle and drummer Keith Moon) at the World Governments Summit that says "Disease X" is imminent and they need the world's money to prepare. I'll pass and I hope the US does too.
The rulers of the world have decided the world needs a younger, healthy population.

So create diseases that kill the old, sick or weak.

Welcome to the new world order.

Put your faith in Jesus Christ, not big Pharma or government.
All about the money... I think the money from the flu shot was declining so they needed another source... thus comes covid.. and all the other vaccines you see on tv now.
"All about the money" has gotta be true universally (in most career/business decisions, sadly obvious). I always thought the hurry-up covid vaccines were geared towards limiting ill effects after you GET it. I can see how travel mandates are tough decisions, driving across state lines was a semi no-no we all ignored, air travel = huger risk. If you can stand an overview by Reuters, read up on the claims/expectations looking back in https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/...-vaccines-initial-approval-pfizer-2024-02-12/ Wishing you all well.
VOIP requires stable internet, which I do not have. I have satellite that randomly goes out sometimes, has higher latency than broadband, & will lose signal during hard rains. It can be out for hours at a time.

I'm seriously thinking of getting some sort of extra signal booster for 5G cell service and plugging that in to a UPS so we can make calls when the power goes out and just ditching the landline. Can rig the current landline phone to answer via cell. Wish we could get a different cell service out here but AT&T is the only one and they suck.
VOIP requires stable internet, which I do not have. I have satellite that randomly goes out sometimes, has higher latency than broadband, & will lose signal during hard rains. It can be out for hours at a time.

I'm seriously thinking of getting some sort of extra signal booster for 5G cell service and plugging that in to a UPS so we can make calls when the power goes out and just ditching the landline. Can rig the current landline phone to answer via cell. Wish we could get a different cell service out here but AT&T is the only one and they suck.
In my first home in rural Nebraska, we had a party line. You really had to mind your P's & Q's when talking over one of those systems because you never knew who could be listening in. Also, not only did the kids have to fight for the phone within a single household, we had to fight for the line between multiple families in different homes! Those were the days!
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In my first home in rural Nebraska, we had a party line. You really had to mind your P's & Q's when talking over one of those systems because you never knew who could be listening in. Also, not only did the kids have to fight for the phone within a single household, we had to fight for the line between multiple families in different homes! Those were the days!
so that is where the Beastie Boys came up with the song, "Fight for your Right to Party Line?"
In my first home in rural Nebraska, we had a party line. You really had to mind your P's & Q's when talking over one of those systems because you never knew who could be listening in. Also, not only did the kids have to fight for the phone within a single household, we had to fight for the line between multiple families in different homes! Those were the days!
I believe we started with a 4 party, then to a 2 party... it was a long time before we went to a private line. Always listening for your particular ring. And as a kid, quietly picking up the phone to listen in. Even unscrewing the microphone end of the phone.. essentially like pushing the mute button. As you say, those were the days.
I believe we started with a 4 party, then to a 2 party... it was a long time before we went to a private line. Always listening for your particular ring. And as a kid, quietly picking up the phone to listen in. Even unscrewing the microphone end of the phone.. essentially like pushing the mute button. As you say, those were the days.
Devious minds think alike!
I believe we started with a 4 party, then to a 2 party... it was a long time before we went to a private line. Always listening for your particular ring. And as a kid, quietly picking up the phone to listen in. Even unscrewing the microphone end of the phone.. essentially like pushing the mute button. As you say, those were the days.
My bother beat my ass for that once.
In my first home in rural Nebraska, we had a party line. You really had to mind your P's & Q's when talking over one of those systems because you never knew who could be listening in. Also, not only did the kids have to fight for the phone within a single household, we had to fight for the line between multiple families in different homes! Those were the days!
In my neck of the woods, in those days, it was not who “could be,” but who “would” be listening in. You could hear a click when any party line member would pick up or drop out.
I remember that familiar "click" then saying, "someone is listening in, I wonder who it is", as we would start naming little ******** kids that you would suspect. We were so mean!
I removed a toilet in a 2nd floor bathroom in a bedroom at a neighbors home. This was in preparation for the electrician to install an outlet to power their new, fancy, expensive bidet toilet.

Electrician came, poked around for a long time after reading the toilet power requirements. Said it would need a dedicated circuit and spoke of running a new circuit, holes through the garage, kitchen ceiling, walls and more. Was going to cost thousands, then all the drywall repairs and painting.

Fancy toilet going back. Now I must reinstall the old one.

There’s this bizarre fascination with these fancy bidet toilets.
I removed a toilet in a 2nd floor bathroom in a bedroom at a neighbors home. This was in preparation for the electrician to install an outlet to power their new, fancy, expensive bidet toilet.

Electrician came, poked around for a long time after reading the toilet power requirements. Said it would need a dedicated circuit and spoke of running a new circuit, holes through the garage, kitchen ceiling, walls and more. Was going to cost thousands, then all the drywall repairs and painting.

Fancy toilet going back. Now I must reinstall the old one.

There’s this bizarre fascination with these fancy bidet toilets.
I can't imagine the current draw would be "all that" for a fancy toilet. If it had been me, I would have tapped into the existing circuit feeding the bathroom.
1,000 watts I’m told.

Problem is around these parts, the way they wire the bathrooms is they have ONE 20a circuit with ONE GFCI outlet feeding ALL the bathrooms…generally three or four.

It’s a pretty stupid way of doing things…but it saves $15 each for GFCIs and another $15 for a breaker not to mention some wire savings…on $1,000,000 homes!

Then when hair dryers and curling irons are used in multiple bathrooms reality sets in—but the builder and electrician long gone…
Today I was moved to action: Yesterday we had a house completely demolished in what appears to be a natural gas explosion in Sterling, VA, which is a hop, skip and a jump from where I live. You may have seen it on the news. One fireman killed (God rest his soul) and eleven others injured when they went into the burning house to put out the fire only to have the whole thing go off like a bomb. Silly question, but wouldn't protocol say that you shut off the gas and the electricity before going in to fight a fire? Any fireman out there who could possibly shed some light on this?

Anyway, up until today, I kept three spare tanks of propane in the garage of our home. Talk about stupid! They are now outside in the back yard in a protected environment. Come to think of it, I do vaguely remember the folks at Home Depot coming unglued when I brought an empty container of propane into the store for exchange.

A word to the wise should be sufficient.
yeah, my propane is on the back patio now. I still have a can of gas in the garage which is likely more dangerous than the propane tanks. I'll resolve this in a few months when I build my shed. Really looking forward to that.
1,000 watts I’m told.

Problem is around these parts, the way they wire the bathrooms is they have ONE 20a circuit with ONE GFCI outlet feeding ALL the bathrooms…generally three or four.

It’s a pretty stupid way of doing things…but it saves $15 each for GFCIs and another $15 for a breaker not to mention some wire savings…on $1,000,000 homes!

Then when hair dryers and curling irons are used in multiple bathrooms reality sets in—but the builder and electrician long gone…
I hate stupid builders. The electricians will do what they are told, but yeah, I've lived with that crap for 30 years.

True story - so I was calling out my septic guys to check on my system - they showed up 3 hours late. They explained that they tried to squeeze in a simple call, and it got out of hand. Homeowner in a < 2 yo home had a complete plumbing backup (septic). They came out to find the septic tank and could not.... Blue skying some crazy thoughts, they found the tank under the concrete patio.

Was this intentional? Of course not. The builder scheduled the septic guys to come out to do their thing (when the house was being built). He also scheduled the concrete guys to do the patio. The builder did not tell them about the patio, so being septic / plumbers they put it on the back side of the house. The patio guys come out, have NO idea there is a septic tank there, and do their job.

Poor hapless homeowner discovers this after his 1 year warranty expires.

Note to all: your house was probably built by people who did not graduate high school or have any common sense.