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Every day in my neck of the woods there are several events on the daily Sheriff's report where new construction sites have been looted for the copper wire and pipe.

There’s a saying around here after hurricanes.

“ You loot we shoot “.

That’s painted on plywood and posted.

I remember in the late 70’s after hurricane Frederic a national guard guy telling my father that they’ll give one warning shot if they see looting and after that it’s shoot to kill.
There’s a saying around here after hurricanes.

“ You loot we shoot “.

That’s painted on plywood and posted.

I remember in the late 70’s after hurricane Frederic a national guard guy telling my father that they’ll give one warning shot if they see looting and after that it’s shoot to kill.
LOL, The National Guard doesn't even carry bullets in their guns these days!
The smell of Fresh pine and oak. The skyline changed in the neighborhood. Then everyone who didn’t have a generator was cooking all their food and handing it out so it wouldn’t spoil.

The sound of chainsaws all day and generators running all night.

Miles of cable and wire being pulled with so many utility trucks and guys climbing poles.

We had a lumber store about 3 blocks south of us and enough brand new wood washed up on our land for us to build a new deck. 👍🤣

School of course was closed, I had a great time. 🤣
(Some people who must remain nameless have been known to pay $5,000 for a fifteen foot set of 5N silver headphone cables.)
I would bet that $5k that maybe one person in a million could hear a difference between a regular cable, one made from “low oxygen copper” or pure silver!
Every day in my neck of the woods there are several events on the daily Sheriff's report where new construction sites have been looted for the copper wire and pipe.
My home was a builders spec. All the appliances were stolen after they were first installed. Builders in many places now have altered the building sequence because of this.
A very sad world we live in now. Afraid to let my wife go anywhere by herself. And did you see the latest thing.?... putting draino and some water and tinfoil in a plastic bottle... any motion will set it off like a bomb. (Or so they say) putting these around in people's yards. Stupid kids !!!
I live in a small community in central SD. For those who don't know ( south Dakota). We have a Sturgis motorcycle rally every year at the Black Hills. I work part time at a gun store connected to a C store at the gas station in Plankinton,SD. You would not believe the stories we hear from travelers coming from out east. They can't believe how free we are and can have a gun shop at a gas station!
I live in a small community in central SD. For those who don't know ( south Dakota). We have a Sturgis motorcycle rally every year at the Black Hills. I work part time at a gun store connected to a C store at the gas station in Plankinton,SD. You would not believe the stories we hear from travelers coming from out east. They can't believe how free we are and can have a gun shop at a gas station!
Never been that far east, but have been admitted to Monument Health Hospital in Rapid City, while staying with friends in the hills between Sturgis and Deadwood. Love that area.

I gave up on Critical Defense ammo. Half my guns will not feed that overpriced crap unless I spend hours polishing the ramp to a mirror surface. My Glocks especially hate that ammo.