What can cause a 500+ gallon leak for 3 hrs - then stop. This happened 3 times in 3 months

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New Member
Sep 23, 2024
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Water company says I have high peaks of usage, but it only occurs on random days and then 'fixes' itself. No pattern.
Ex. 500 gallons in 3 hrs, another instance is 900 gals in 3 hrs, another is 520 gals in 2 hrs.
I turned off my pool autofiller. I turned off sprinkler system. I have cameras to watch outside hoses, no one is using it. No soft water or any gizmo filtration system.
Inside and outside of house shows no water damage or wet ground. Toilets are not running.

What else should I be on the lookout for. How else can I troubleshoot or identify the cause? Can a plumber identify the cause if it only happens on random days?