Speed-my thots exactly. Still it is a longitudinal crack and it is way too narrow for an insertion plus it was buried. Moles most likely pushed up dirt into the box - they do everywhere else. Might it have been a weak spot? It held for 31 years. Could changing the meter just be a coincidence? Neat mystery.
This morning there was a vibration in the 1st circuit. Not severe but it did get my attention at 4:25am. By now I'm so goosy a loud exhaust or even a train rumbling past about 3/4 mile away gets to me. Kitchen refer too.
The new PRV weeps! Both sides. That tics me off. It's a Watt. New improved. Instead of the flat washers it has "O" rings. The nuts are bottomed out tight. I will undo and redo it today see if I can stop that weep. I did not grease the "O" rings and should have; tired probably. I won't say what country it was made in but if you dig a hole straight down thru the earth you'd get there.
Otherwise it's coming out and straight PVC will go in. I'll have to dig back and get clever cause there are 2 - 45º bends to get perfectly lined up with the meter. Easy for a pro I spose but I ain't that.
DungBuster: Nice Handle -
I used to haul bagged fertilizer otherwise known as steer manure. Had plenty of elbow room sitting at cafe counters.
Here is the schematic you asked for. Hope you can see it OK. I had to take a photo of the Paint screen to get it down to size.
If you read post # 26 you will see this proved the problem originated between the house and street. I have racked my feeble excuse for a brain as to how air could get in and/or cause the problem.
As for a schematic of the entire house/sprinkler system might as well throw some spaghetti on a plate.

This morning there was a vibration in the 1st circuit. Not severe but it did get my attention at 4:25am. By now I'm so goosy a loud exhaust or even a train rumbling past about 3/4 mile away gets to me. Kitchen refer too.
The new PRV weeps! Both sides. That tics me off. It's a Watt. New improved. Instead of the flat washers it has "O" rings. The nuts are bottomed out tight. I will undo and redo it today see if I can stop that weep. I did not grease the "O" rings and should have; tired probably. I won't say what country it was made in but if you dig a hole straight down thru the earth you'd get there.
Otherwise it's coming out and straight PVC will go in. I'll have to dig back and get clever cause there are 2 - 45º bends to get perfectly lined up with the meter. Easy for a pro I spose but I ain't that.
DungBuster: Nice Handle -
Here is the schematic you asked for. Hope you can see it OK. I had to take a photo of the Paint screen to get it down to size.
If you read post # 26 you will see this proved the problem originated between the house and street. I have racked my feeble excuse for a brain as to how air could get in and/or cause the problem.
As for a schematic of the entire house/sprinkler system might as well throw some spaghetti on a plate.