The vortens come with a 3” flapper. But it sits on a 2” flushvalve outlet. 2” hole through the tank, not 3”.
So you could junk the 3” flapper and goofy flushvalve. Install a common everyday 2” flushvalve with any type 2” flapper you want.
2” flappers are cheaper and plentiful.
It comes with a fluidmaster ballcock.
The tank bolts are coated steel…..not good. But you can swap those to brass and then you’ll have a 20 yr tank to bowl life.
The flush handle is crap but most are… can get a good one for $25.00 that will last the life of the toilet. I’ll post a link if you’re interested.
I can hack together a toilet that will outperform a Drake and still have money to get drunk and go to the show bar….
Drakes come with a proprietary flush tower crap show. The tank handles are $30 plus and last about 3-5 years. The drakes do have descent tank bolts but my replacements are better than what Toto uses.
My vorten will out flush the Drake and I can make the vorten flush 2.5 gallons or down to 1.6. My choice.
You hear that Terry Toto ?