Another job I had was a drain at a funeral home.
The person that called in wasn’t sure what drain was giving them trouble and the person that told them to call wasn’t available. But they wanted someone to come out, NOW.
I heard the secretary taking the job on the phone, I was eating lunch. I remember thinking, “ I hope they don’t send me “.
So she comes into the kitchen and says I have a job for you after you eat, it’s probably a stopped up toilet, they want you there quick.
Crap ! So ok, I load up and drive over there. I walk in and this cute girl is at the desk.......I introduce myself ( I was about 19) and try to be real mature and professional.
So so tell her that if she will lead me to the problem I would follow. She says “ well the mortician is back from lunch now and I’ll call him to come get you “ “ I don’t go into the embalming room “

......Buy I kept telling myself “ be cool she’s so cool “
So they guy comes up from the back to get me. Brings me a gown and a mask.
I ask him......” there’s no one back there, right ?” He says , “ no just us “
So he flings open these swinging doors and there are two dead bodies covered up from the neck down. I’ll never forget one of their faces.
So he walks me over to this embalming table. It’s a large shallow tray top table with a wheel on one end that you turn to incline the table to dump into a huge service sink with foot valves to operate the faucet.
This drain was clogged up. Oh No no no no no.,,,

He says , “ ok let me know when your done “ and starts to walk off......

I was like “ what what where you going don’t leave me back here with them “
He laughs and said “ these people won’t hurt you, it’s the ones outside these doors that you have to worry about “

So I go out to my van and get the plunger. I’m like, I hope I can hit this and GO. So I start to plunge and all kinds of stuff starts boiling up......

It gets worse now, the sinks not even draining at all now, I made it worse. I still have two dead bodies within 5 feet of me.
So I break down and decide to get my hand powered spinner cable and try to get it flowing.
So I go back in there with my cable, and thankfully it had drained down all the way

. So I run a little more water and plunge it again, then a few blood test tubes came out and I grabbed them.......(empty)
No rubber gloves by the way.
Still wouldn’t drain. So I put the cable down it and hit something about 6’ in from the trap. Pulled my cable back and I swear it looked like blood veins.
The formaldehyde stayed in my nose until the next day. I threw my shirt away.
That’s one of the only places I will refuse to work in now. I had a touch of PTSD after that job.