So, I found anther old picture from the wall before the drywall was installed. It does not show much, but I can tell that I must have added a horizontal pipe to get it to come out where the vanity would be. (This project has been going on about 5 years, so I don't remember doing that)
If the pipe I added was not at an angle, would that be the answer to all of my problems?
yes, It is called back fall or a belly.
the only way to fix it is to remove the cabinet , sheet rock, and remove the pipe
RE INSTALL correctly
NOT what you wanted to hear.
I probably didn't think about that. If that is the case, is there a way for me to measure the levelness now that the pipe is not exposed? If I determine that is the problem, what are my next steps? I know this could have been a big mistake.
A pipe must have a slope. If not. the hair/soap/toothpaste crap will sit in the pipe and not leave
causing a blockage
Thanks again.