Pump savers to prevent pump from running while dry?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2013
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My brain won't let me sleep because this is bothering me. My Goulds J10S 1HP 230vac jet pump had the housing break open because it ran while dry during freezing weather.
I have a cistern that it pulls from and another pump fills the cistern but I need to replace the switch for the other pump because it keeps failing to turn the pump on when the water is too low. But that is another issue. For now I want to address the jet pump and am trying to find something easy-to-install that won't break the bank that can tell the jet pump to shut off if the water in the cistern gets too low or if it senses it is pumping air instead of water.

I saw there is something called Pumptec QD but it apparently won't work to stop a pump if there is power cycling or "waterlocked". Not sure what water locked means. I think the Pumptec Plus may be overkill. I'm wondering about the Franklin Electronics Pumptec, how it would be installed, and whether it would work.

I'm also interested in other options. My pumps are hard-wired and the pressure switch on my jet pump is mounted to the pump.
The double compression fitting had to be eliminated after this picture was taken because it kept blowing apart. The wires coming out of the jet pump to power it are not very long. They were not long enough to reach the tee on the pressure tank. They *might* be long enough to reach the metal wall and I might be able to get some sort of junction box or pump saver mounted there if I use a pvc board and some tapcons or something.

There are currently no electrical outlets in the shed to plug anything in but I plan to add some 15A GFCI outlets eventually. They will be mounted on the ridge beam on the ceiling of the shed. I have a sub panel in the shed now with 3 breakers. One for future outlets, one for the belt-driven pump that fills the cistern, and one for the jet pump.
I eventually plan to add junction boxes and conduit for the pumps and the annoying switch on top of the cistern.
It isn't too far from the jet pump to the back wall of the shed and I'll have to see how long the wires are.

Any suggestions/recommendations that won't break the bank? It was almost $800 to replace the jet pump this time and will cost at least $70 to have it installed. This broken jet pump was purchased in March 2024 so it wasn't old.
I don't think running dry was what caused the pump housing to crack. A cracked housing is usually caused by freezing when the pump is full of water. But running dry can melt the impeller and still destroy the pump. I posted in your thread about the freezing problem and how to keep the pump running continuously and the water circulating so it won't freeze.

I don't think the pumptec or pumpsaver will work with a jet pump, but a Cycle Sensor will as long as you are using 230V.


The descriptions for them say they work with jet pumps but who knows.
I did have taps running/dripping but I guess stuff got so cold it still froze.
Is it safe to wrap a jet pump in one of those thermal camping blankets (they look like foil)? Or would that make them hold in too much heat? I'm going to try a generic version of Reflectix on the walls and ceiling to see if that helps with insulating the shed better.

The cycle sensor thing looks interesting. Will it work with 1hp 230vac jet pumps? And will it work without installing the cycle stop valve?
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The descriptions for them say they work with jet pumps but who knows.
I did have taps running/dripping but I guess stuff got so cold it still froze.
Is it safe to wrap a jet pump in one of those thermal camping blankets (they look like foil)? Or would that make them hold in too much heat? I'm going to try a generic version of Reflectix on the walls and ceiling to see if that helps with insulating the shed better.

The cycle sensor thing looks interesting. Will it work with 1hp 230vac jet pumps? And will it work without installing the cycle stop valve?
Sorry I missed this. Yes, the Cycle Sensor works with jet pumps, but we only make it in 230V anymore. Yes, the Cycle Sensor will work without a Cycle Stop Valve on the pump, although it is the only dry well protector that will work with a CSV.

Also, when you trickle water to keep things from freezing the pump cycles on and off. If it stays off long enough for the little nipple to the pressure switch to freeze, everything else freezes because the pump won't come back on. When using a Cycle Stop Valve on a jet pump the minimum flow you can trickle without cycling the pump is about 0.5 GPM. When trickling as little as 1 GPM when using a Cycle Stop Valve the pump never shuts off, the pressure switch nipple never freezes, and the continuously running motor adds heat to the room.

Wrapping pipe with insulation causes condensation and makes it hard to thaw out when it does freeze. But can't wrap over the motor as it is fan cooled and needs the air flow.
I figured it needed airflow so didn't think wrapping the whole pump would work. Insulating the shed better might help. It's already back up to 70°F outside and the flowers are blooming. I expect it will end up getting very hot so I'll need to find a way to cool the shed.

I looked at the wiring diagram for the Cycle Sensor and saw something about a control valve. I know my pump has two hots and a ground so would it use the wiring diagram with the control box? If so, does the control box come with the kit?
I need to find pics of the actual wiring because I work better seeing photos rather than sketches.

My main goal is to prevent the pump from burning out if for some reason it stops getting water. Freezing happens rarely and I'm going to insulate to try to prevent freezing temps from affecting the shed again.
A jet pump does not have a control box so the diagram on the left is how to wire it. Wires just like a pressure switch, breaker to inside two post, pressure switch to outside two post.
A properly built and insulated well house would save you in the long run. Sorry to see you are having so many issues. :(
Thanks. It's an oooold shed we put up in 2002 or 2003. It has rusted, mice ate the original insulation, roof now has some holes from hurricane damage, and doors broke off bc horses and cows leaned on them.

What section of the forum would be good for posting about insulating and getting some heating and cooling in there that wouldn't break the bank? As well as how to seal up holes and rusted spots. Original plan was to build a new shed but lumber is expensive and sales tax just went up.
Thanks. It's an oooold shed we put up in 2002 or 2003. It has rusted, mice ate the original insulation, roof now has some holes from hurricane damage, and doors broke off bc horses and cows leaned on them.

What section of the forum would be good for posting about insulating and getting some heating and cooling in there that wouldn't break the bank? As well as how to seal up holes and rusted spots. Original plan was to build a new shed but lumber is expensive and sales tax just went up.
Given the metal sheds age, it don't sound like it owes you anything and it's time for a replacement given the fact it is starting to cost you money because of the frozen water damage to your pump and plumbing.

Unfortunately now a days, everything is expensive! :mad: Depending upon how handy you are with DIY carpentry projects, I like to look on Craigslist and or Puke Book classifieds to see what they have for new and or used building materials. Sometimes you can find a small building to tear down for free 99, and or a small shed for free if you can move it?

Another place to look for reasonably priced lumber is if you have any local saw mills near you? We have some by us and you would be amazed at the lumber they throw to the side and sell people for fire wood. I have built all kinds of stuff from their slab wood from pine trees.

Wood Pallets are another cheap source for wood if you don't mind taking the time to pull them apart. They can come in all kinds of different sizes and you can score some really good 2x4 and 4x4 lumber.

Having animals myself and knowing how they like to scratch and rub on stuff. Whatever you decide to build for a replacement pump house ? I would run a fence around it to keep the animals away.

As for posting about ideas on insulation, heating and cooling Ideas. I would post in the general discussion area of the Forum, I would think that would generate some valuable feed back. Best of luck!
Thanks. Pricing out the new sheds and the lumber the fixes I want to make would be cheaper. One of my main issues is not being able to get delivery of things and not having a trailer to haul-- and they don't have a place that lets you rent them nearby.

We used to have a lumbermill in the area. My dad got 1,000 board feet of oak back in the 80s. Sadly our neighbors stole most of it when we were overseas (and some after we moved back).

My cows love to rub their butts on stuff and lean on things. The biggest problem is the red cow's horns though. She's not very aware of them and accidentally bumps things.

I forgot which forum I was on. LOL. I posted on the homesteading forum to see if I can get more info.
Hi I've been involved in a lot of metallurgy for about 50 years, cast iron is a relatively stable metal when heated over a wide badwidth....it actually has a higher melting than that just about all the various steels out there, but one thing it can't stand is shock from pressure...there water in that pump that cracked it...it wasnt heat that did that...think about if for a moment...that powder coat paint would have been burned off or at least discolored near that crack
Mate, you need a digital controller to automatically prevent your pump from running when it's dried-out internally.

It does cost a bid initially, but it'll save your water pump for the long run because the controller prevents the pump itself from starting through this encounter.

You can get 'em and you don't have to worry about your electric bill as it's designed to be really efficient these days.
Any recommendations for a digital controller? I have no idea what to look for.
I forgot to use reply. I was asking Davey what he was recommending.

My memory sucks and my brain isn't wanting to retain things lately. I know you recommend the device from your company and I'm not disregarding that.
Cycle Sensor is a digital controller to prevent dry running of the pump, see posts #2,#4. Sounds to me like @DaveyMY is referring to a VFD or similar type controller which are expensive and not a good choice for your setup.
Being from Malaysia I am sure he is talking about one of these flow switch controllers. Every pump manufacturer has a version of these. They will shut the pump off when there is no flow, from all the taps being closed or the storage tank being empty. They make for a quick, easy, install, with no pressure tank. But they cycle the pump to death quickly, requiring frequent pump replacements, which keeps the wheels of the pump industry greased.
I may be missing something, but a mechanical low pressure cut off, which goes where that plug is to the left of the pressure gauge on the tee, for under 30$ seems like it would solve ruining a pump from lack of water, but running a pump dry wouldn't crack the volute. Only ruin the seal. Frozen water is the only thing that would crack it.
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