I have had success helping penetrating oils get into old threads by chucking a big hex bolt or similar, into my small hammer drill. Then using the hammer drill to transmit thousands of little taps onto the area I want the oil to get into.
Also, you could try heating up the threads of the cap with a heat gun or hair dryer.
That might get the oil in there, or might soften up the century old pipe dope on the threads.
Or a torch, just keep it moving, don’t catch the oil on fire or melt the lead.
There might be oakum in the outer joint that could burn also, I think.
Maybe a torch is unsafe, others can weigh in.
Then try turning again after it cools most of the way down.
Just go through the uncapped opening. Easypeasy.
While you are at it, you should run a snake down that modern clean out, over by your washing machine standpipe.
If sewage has been backing up there, that part of the pipe could have chunks of crud sitting in it.
One turn from the left hand branch into the wye is a 45, not a 90.
Before doing “a bit more work” of humping out a four foot deep hole, remember that this is a century old sewer line.
Run a camera through the whole thing, all the way to the street, to see what is going on down there.
The old sewer might have failed at many possible points.
Roots, collapsed joints, broken tiles, etc.
Even right at the foundation, the house might have settled and broken the cast iron, the sewer could easily be open to mud or gravel, and trying to run uphill through the break.
Maybe it is blocked or failing where it is on area of city or county responsibility, if so they will dig it up and repair. And likely would put in a clean out, or you could pay them to add one, as long as they have everything exposed.
if you replace the 90 outside, then you can snake the sewer from that point and not worry about sewer water on the floor and splatter on the walls inside
it is a bit more work, [shovel, 4' deep] but a better job
a simple 4 1/2'' grinder with a abrasive blade would cut the pipe
here is the good thing about an outside cleanout
if your sewer backs up, take the cap off and it will run out on the ground instead of the basement
it is going to run out at the lowest point in the system. that would be the clean out
outside the building.
a lot of plumbers will dig up the old pipe. knock a hole in it
then run the sewer machine.
after, they ask the home owner if they will pay for a clean out to be installed.
when the home owner says no. they cover the hole with any damn thing laying around
old license plate is my go to item
put the dirt back and go home.
remove the rocks. you might find a pipe with a hole in it
or maybe not.
a lot of plumbers will dig up the old pipe. knock a hole in it
then run the sewer machine.
after, they ask the home owner if they will pay for a clean out to be installed.
when the home owner says no. they cover the hole with any damn thing laying around
old license plate is my go to item
put the dirt back and go home.