John, I somewhat agree that yes I agreed to the $875 charge but the issue I have is that I was not shown an itemized breakdown of the exact charges until after the installer left when it then showed up in my e-mail. The installer wouldn't have the breakdown, he just does the job they tell him and leaves (and doesn't speak good English). Having never had to go through having a water heater put in, I didn't know if this was a "high" or "normal" complete install charge. But once I saw the breakdown, I first just questioned the $258 fee that was worded so I had no clue to what the charges were for since I already saw the additional charges for the "basic installation, parts and labor." This started out just to get an explanation of what that $258 fee was for. I would think most people might question that. It was after getting 4 different explanations from the contractor that I really started getting irritated. If you have a charge on a bill I would hope that most companies have a set definition of what that fee includes. So I will still probably talk to the guy at Home Depot. He'll know if this is standard operating procedures for a plumbing company. If it is, no harm no foul, if it's not, then maybe Home Depot needs to tell this contractor "that works for them" to get together with all of their employees and explain to them the definition so that they are all on the same page and not all out in left, right and center field. I don't expect any more refunds, but there are people out there that don't know anything about plumbing, me for one, that would have no clue. Like I said no harm no foul if this is all on the up and up.
Mr. David. Those straps were on the old water heater also so the installer just reattached it the way the old water heater was attached which is fine with me. I live in a large manufactured home so I suspect that they're there because they have to move the homes and it stabilizes them during the move. I live AZ, very few earthquakes here.