The toilets I had installed are Niagara Conservation elongated toilet, with a 12" offset, uses .8 gallons per flush, and has a pressure flush. Since our water rates just increased 95%, it is as economical that I can get.
DIY .They installed an American Standard 10 inch toilet, and yes it was purchased from the company. It has no bells and whistles on it lol....and on top of the $1,185.82 he said for an additional 200 he would have put in a shut off as well....just an existing toilet UGH....what can I do?
The toilets I had installed are Niagara Conservation elongated toilet, with a 12" offset, uses .8 gallons per flush, and has a pressure flush. Since our water rates just increased 95%, it is as economical that I can get.
There are thieves in every profession.
My septic recently backed up and after pumping they said I needed a new tank, for $4,500
I replace the outlet baffle and all is well.
We do the American Standard Cadet Pro comfort height EB with slow close seat for 519.00 complete with haul away. Shut off 60 buck extra. 10 inch rough probably 75 more(ish).
I swear they make up their own prices. I bet the outlet baffle wasn't nearly as much as the $4,500 they wanted to charge you....highway robbery, we didn't even get a shutoff valve that the other plumbers said we needed. the only reason why we picked these plumbers was because they were the quickest to come out UGH...I HATE feeling vulnerable ....good luck!!
I asked if I should put in a inlet baffle. "Not needed" septic co said.
BS. Thats what caused clog!