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I'm tempted to shave off my hair. It just annoys me.

I went back and swept up, vacuumed, and mopped. Got down and scrubbed the floor but was losing daylight (and light in there sucks--keeps flickering) & my body decided not to cooperate anymore. So I'm taking a break. Bet I'll finally get comfortable & Mom will want dinner. LOL.

I need to figure out what to use to get up some of the stains on that floor. I misplaced the brand new bottle of floor cleaner I got. No idea where the hell it went. Tried using Lysol but that didn't help much. But, its good enough that I can bring in bins and start putting away stuff on top of the sink.

My friend wants to come over and hook up the shower but I'm not ready for it to be hooked up as the wall panels are falling down and I don't want to hook to the existing shower valve stuff. Its a waste of fittings and I want to get the new shower valve installed instead. But, I'll probably just have him trim back the water supply line for the toilet (which is far too long) and help me install the toilet.
I decided to go bald many years ago due to a receding hairline so I shaved my head at first then transitioned to using my wife's "Epilady" hair-pulling torture device which, in due course, killed off most of the remaining hair follicles and now I never have to spend another dime on a trip to the barber shop.
Today is my sister's wedding anniversary. I'm somewhat awake. Bladder told me to get up so I did. Cats crowded around wanting food. Now they want cuddles. I'm going to try to take it easy today to not aggravate my body more. Just took allergy meds and vitamins. I had the soothing music for cats thing playing from Youtube for the last few hours and the cats gathered around the speakers. It actually helps me sleep too.

Saw a spot of dirt on my arm that hadn't washed off and was trying to scrub it and then realized its a bruise. Doesn't hurt or feel like a bruise, but its discolored. I have absolutely no idea how I got it.

Allergy meds haven't kicked in yet. I just sneezed so hard it made my back and shoulders ache.

I found my flooring cleaner so if my body cooperates I'll do some cleaning in the afternoon. I'll also need to find my sharkbite removal tool thingy so my friend can pop off the shutoff and trim the toilet supply line. We used the push-on ones in areas that we can actually see the fittings. Everything inside of a wall got cinch rings.

Monday my friend might be able to come over to help move the toilet in and help me hook it up.
Talked to my sister on the phone. I remember when 9-11 happened we had been back in the mainland US only a few days after 9+ years overseas. My dad had started at a new post at work and called early in the morning. I was the only one who heard the phone so I answered and he said to turn on the news. He talked to me for awhile and said he had to send all of his workers home in case this was a coordinated attack and they might attack other federal buildings. He had wanted to take us to see the WTC on our next trip out to that area. Never did get back to NYC/NJ area again though.
I finally did it! I got my toilet installed! Ok, my friend put it in, but I cleaned it, set it in the room, lined the bolts up in the flange, and put the seal on, and put straws on the bolts to make it easier to see when lowering it down. Friend then made sure the tank was secure. Got water supply line hooked up. It flushes great! Now I just need to fix the toilet seat (tiny piece of plastic broke off that is needed to hold it on to the bowl- I'm not throwing it out over a small piece being broken).

While I was waiting for my friend to get back from a doctor appointment I went into his house (he gave me the code to get in because I bought him the lock) and brought in a 3-bag laundry hamper thing. It looked thicker/sturdier on the picture but it was super thin and felt flimsy. I put it together. I just finished getting the last corner of the last bag hooked over a button-like thing when he got back.

I misplaced the actual supply line from after the shutoff and had him working on putting a latch in the pantry door and attaching the dummy knob. While I was finding a tool I found the supply line. I'd put it in one of my tool bags.

I'm going to assemble a metal laundry hamper next. But for now I am happy that I have a toilet that flushes. I don't care if it has a seat or not. I don't want my brother messing it up anyway. There's no TP in there anyway. I'll have to get some set up in there. Next step is clearing stuff off the vanity. It is a huge mess right now.
I had a large storage shed/cabin style delivered.
I assembled this crappily designed laundry cart. I thought because it was metal it would be good, but noooo. It had these plastic clips that are supposed to click together and grab the grooves. Did they? No. Those little mofos would pop off as soon as I let go. I had to tape them together and even then they would still slide down and the whole thing kept falling apart while I was trying to put other parts back together and it took me hours to do what should have taken minutes because I had to stop, retrieve the parts that flew into the air, cut some tape, put them back on, tape them, then have something else fall and have to put it back and then once it was done and I started putting the last touches on the bottom part slipped down and it fell halfway apart when I was putting the wheels on and I had to get it all back together but it doesn't even line up properly even though I put the plastic things in the right places and ARG. I'm pretty sure if any significant weight gets put on any of the shelves it will fall.
I'm going to assemble a metal laundry hamper next. But for now I am happy that I have a toilet that flushes. I don't care if it has a seat or not. I don't want my brother messing it up anyway.
Tell your brother it's okay for a male to sit and do his business (I learned that a long, long time ago). Either that, or install one of those little stick on targets be it a fly like they do in Europe or even a picture of the ex girlfriend or wife he hates and let me do some target practicing to hone his "skills".

(PS. That laundry cart looks to be the "cat's meow" but sorry it didn't work out that way. If you get it to work, I'd put a third set of wheels on the middle set of uprights because it's bound to bend with any sort of weight.)
Went to Savoca in Sicily. A small village where they filmed a few scenes from The Godfather. Not far from Taormina…
We are in contact with a Rep. from Viking Cruises right now. Mama wants to cruise from Barcelona, Spain, to Monaco, to a few stops in France, down the west coast of Italy to Piza, around the tip of Italy, to Split, Croatia, and ending up in Venice, where we fly home.
Oh my. At least you should not be far out at sea. When is this proposed trip suppose to take place?
Oh, it's not the yellow stream my brother has a problem with. It's that he leaves trash all over the place, knocks stuff down and doesn't pick it back up, leaves doors/drawers open, doesn't close the wet wipes container, shaves over the floor without anything to catch the hair and leaves it a mess, and for some reason he has some sort of explosive diarrhea frequently (possibly one of his meds) and blows crap all over the seat, the lid to the seat, and all up under the seat on the rim of the toilet, & leaves crap smeared on the seat. When we shared a bathroom in Guam I once walked in to find the toilet seat on the floor smeared with crap. He claimed to have no idea how it happened. Although, he was up to about 400lbs at that point.

Holy hell! That water bill is going to be super high. Seems like they have indoor swimming pools now.

I have to do some laundry. I think one of my cats is sick and he was trying to tell me by unloading his entire bladder on top of me while I slept. Good thing I have a waterproof mattress pad, but my pajamas, blankets, sheets, pillows, etc all need to be cleaned. It smelled odd so I think he may have a UTI.