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Well, the plumbing because it’s a plumbing forum, and sufficiently different to raise interest. You ought to see the electric situation. Each home is limited to a maximum capacity of 3kw. Cannot run more than one thing at a time. Fun, huh?

Have yet to see any wildlife but stray dogs…
That's insane!
Stray dog = street vendor tacos
Tacos? In Sicily? Laughably insane concept. What you find here is Italian food. Different kinds of food depending on the specific region of Sicily and perhaps some from other parts of Italy. The landscape is occasionally tarnished with McDonald’s and Burger King and of all things Kentucky fried chicken. If you want tacos you’re going to have to go somewhere else. If you don’t like pasta, fish, and eggplant this is NOT the place for you.
Tacos? In Sicily? Laughably insane concept. What you find here is Italian food. Different kinds of food depending on the specific region of Sicily and perhaps some from other parts of Italy. The landscape is occasionally tarnished with McDonald’s and Burger King and of all things Kentucky fried chicken. If you want tacos you’re going to have to go somewhere else. If you don’t like pasta, fish, and eggplant this is NOT the place for you.
Yes, I’m having Italian Tacos tonight for dinner.

The truth is often stranger than fiction.

Fabio Viviani's Italian Tacos

He’s a famous Italian concept chef that moved to the united states from Italy.
Ale used to post some pics from Italy. A lot of the walls were made with limestone. Looked really neat. I liked the architecture in pics he showed. A lot prettier than the trailer homes around here.

I slept and cooked and then had to go unload water from the truck because my brother never did it. I don't think he takes his meds regularly-- particularly his thyroid meds-- so he has been exhausted after work.
I spent two weeks traveling around Sicily and just arrived back in the USA. About the only “ethnic” food I saw, in dozens of small towns and larger cities all around the island was the occasional “hamburger” on a menu designed to attract mostly kids, or food-challenged adults who eat like them. No Mexican, no Spanish, no French, no Middle Eastern. I did note one tiny Chinese take-away in Messina. McD’s, B-K, and KFC in some larger cities but the Sicilians simply don’t eat that s***. They have their regional specialties.
Some asked for a photo of the local fauna. So, does this count? Found a couple of car shows…

The photo was taken in Messina; a group of classy Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts. There was another show of vintage “Cinquacentas” but I don’t think the scenery was quite the same. But threw it in for fun.


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Yes that counts! But German cars?!?
Actually found a third car tour in Agrigento, it was the Morgan Club doing a Sicilian tour. Almost all feeble old white haired men drive these cars which are unchanged after decades in production. And yet another tour in Catania of Ferraris; didn’t see the cars, just a bunch of folks with the tour shirts. By far the most attractive bunch were the beautiful ladies of Mercedes…so yes vintage German cars! 😉


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They use Italian stuff. In some parts of Italy, southern boot, they eat a lot of spicy stuff just like Spanish food
Speaking of Sicily only:

The "spicy" and "southern boot" that @Twowaxhack is talking about is "Calabrian Peppers". What Are Calabrian Chiles and How Are They Used? Did not see any of these anywhere, and we looked. Of course, I was not in Calabria. About the only "spicy" thing on any menu I saw was "Pizza Diavolo" which jokingly was hardly hot; it was simply pizza topped with a spicy pepperoni, that wouldn't even raise an eyebrow on those Americans used to hot and spice Indian, Mexican, Thai, or similar foods. In fact, the red pepper flakes that many Americans like on their pizza (myself included, often) provides a greater kick.

As for the eggplant, @havasu in Sicily it is a nearly a "national" dish when served as caponata appetizer. There are as many versions of caponata as there are cooks. Everyone makes it slightly differently, but eggplant, celery, tomatoes, capers, olives, sugar and often with pignoli (pine nuts). Some add sweet red peppers, and other ingredients that may be on hand. We had this nearly every day, as it was on every menu without exception. It was front and center along with olives on every appetizer plate, along with panelle, which are chickpea fritters. In a couple of instances there was a version of what you might call eggplant parmigiana but it was quite different than what you'd see here in the USA.

The other grand use of eggplant is in Pasta Alla Norma, a pasta dish made with eggplant. Pasta alla Norma Is the Ultimate Taste of Sicily Though it originates from Catania, it was on every menu on the island. Even Pizza Alla Norma. Legend has it that the black skin of the eggplant is supposed to represent the lava stone of the Catania region, from Mt. Etna; the red sauce the fire of the volcano, and the white ricotta salata the snow that is on the top of Mt. Etna during the winter. We had it with many different kind of pasta, but the most popular serving was with rigatoni.

Interestingly, the use of the word "pasta" is rare; almost always "spaghetti" or "macaroni" or the specific pasta shape.

Those "Italian Tacos" are the invention of an expat Italian. A number of those ingredients are simply not available easily.

My friend who is from Messina but has travelled around, said "if you ask for pineapple on your pizza you will be thrown out of the restaurant"; it would be a huge insult to the pizzaolo. Most Italian food in Sicily is simple and elegant; only in the hands of "inventive chefs" do things get weird and complex. Take Olive Garden for example. I was there merely once many years ago to realize this "son of Sicily" does not need to have his intelligence insulted by such corruptions, endless breadsticks notwithstanding. Those Olive Garden chefs simply make things up that don't exist, using Italian ingredients (cheese, pasta, oregano, basil, etc.) and give them Italian names. It's ridiculous. Ditto for this new-wave invention, "vodka sauce". Puleeze...if Sicilans ever were "rich enough" to have vodka on hand the last thing they'd do with it is put it in sauce to boil off the alcohol. Jeez oh Pete, how dumb can Americans get? You will not see this in Sicily. Rare to see any meat sauce ("bolognese") either.

But if anyone want to take a tour of Sicily and go on a mission to find "hot and spicy" foods, or "Italian tacos" or street food made with dogs, have at it and report back!
I would love to visit Sicily but I only speak a couple of words in Italian. Communication might be an issue and I wouldn't want to be one of those people who expects the natives to speak English.

I went to TSC to grab cow food, went to Walmart to grab stuff I forgot last time (plus some stuff my friend requested. Got an HDMI cable for Mom (her laptop's screen died & the only way she can use it is to plug it in to the tv or a monitor via hdmi). Got myself some bathroom cups bc the paper ones in my holder were deteriorating. Also got some salads for later. Had to sit in traffic awhile on the way to Walmart bc there was a wreck. Not sure if it was in the parking lot or coming out of it but some car was being towed and the front end was smashed in.

Fed the cows. I was pulling the feed bag out of the truck to cut it open and heard the red cow hollering for me. I then called the younger cow so she came over. Took her a beat to figure out the food was behind the truck. She stood in front of the truck staring at me vacuously before I got out and called her to walk behind the truck.

Felt a little dizzy after TSC- clerks at the bank yesterday were sick and coughing and I woke up feeling cruddy. Just heard from my sister that she and my BIL have Covid. :-(
Y’all keep member WPNS in your prayers.

I think his getting a hurricane right now. He’s not in a Florida, I think he’s innthe turk islands
I hope WPNS will be ok. I saw that Puerto Rico got slammed pretty hard.

Meanwhile, news just said New Orleans is now the murder capitol of the US. And people told me I was mean for telling them that moving there was a bad idea.