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Sep 3, 2016
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Hey I have this value that started running water today. It's draining down into the pex line. You can see the water running threw the side of the valve and its splashing onto my wall. And I'm not sure what its for can anyone identify it for me and give me any info? Thanks in advance.
Sorry the photo is sideways

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It's a trap primer. It's mostly used to keep the water in floor drains that can dry out if there not being used on a regular bases. It works with a slow drip.
Ok that makes sense. Thank you. So it's running pretty hard. Does it need replacing or can it be cleaned or repaired?
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If it's running hard and not stopping then it is most likely faulty. They are not ment to run full open. Otherwise your water bill would be high as a kit and you would just be flushing it down the drain. I'd say cut it out and put a trap guard on the drain or drains that it is supplying.
It's for the drain in my laundry room. Wish they would have ran the drain from the furnace to the trap instead of this contraption lol. Not sure if that's to code tho.
Thanks a single penny worked for now. It's the long weekend and I can't get parts or a plumber in to fix it. So this will keep the water on for now.
Not fond of trap primer valves. Maintenace, water usage, leak points, flood points. Most of the new builds and remodels we have been doing are specing some type of trap guard product. Cost of copper, labor, and the valve components is far more expensive than the one componants the fits right into the drain body. I know this comes down to preferance for a lot of people, but less moving or mechanical parts means less Maintenace and failurs. Warning... rubber componants will eventually fail at some point ( 25, 30, 50 years). Good product but nothing lasts forever but the soul, for everything else its the dust to dust rule.
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You may be right phish. I have to admit that I haven't looked into it to that extent. I'm just saying that copper has the longest lifetime with good conditions but this may have a good life expectancy as well. But copper doesn't come with a 50 year garrentee like aquatherm, or 25 year with uponor pex. Things have changed drastically in the last 20 years and will most likely change just as much in the next 25 years. With that said right now with what is available it seems like a good product to me.
Wow that seemed like a sales pitch. Sorry..
Disclamer... aquatherm or uponor or its subsidiaries have not purchased my opinion on this subject in any way. All views and opinions expressed are my own. LOL