What did you do today?

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Good thing he's out of town.
So today I am puting a new water pump on my diesel, it's amazing how mych stuff they can fit under one hood.
It is.

I've made several people very angry today. We'll see how it goes.
My work comp made me very angry today. I am so ready to just go look for a full time job.
Think you would actually want to?
No, but it would be nice to have a steady paycheck, haven't made any decent money since Feb.
Today I am baking. I'm also doing 90% of my prep work. I'll see if the wife will take pics. She typically won't. Only of the baby.

Today we took the big boat to will Avalon/ Catalina island. Walking around doing tourist stuff.


You mean you're in a hotel room watching TV?

That's what I do when I'm travelling.
I took the ferry to Arizona and watched a movie with the G/F. Saw "Flight"....pretty good.
I took the fairy to work today and made him dig a hole 5 foot deep, he whined about it all day.
I took the ferry to Arizona and watched a movie with the G/F. Saw "Flight"....pretty good.

Ever pilot I know hates it. I know quite a few pilots.

I took the fairy to work today and made him dig a hole 5 foot deep, he whined about it all day.

I like digging holes. Used to do it for fun when I was a kid.

I was a strange kid.
I had to finish digging the hole today, 7 foot now and a full size person can actually fit in it.
You did the extra 2 feet? Sorry to hear it.
I like digging holes. Used to do it for fun when I was a kid.

I was a strange kid.

That's interesting. My oldest son used to dig holes for fun. For a couple summers in a row he'd dig under the pine tree in the back yard. Around all the roots, etc. One time I was looking for him and I didn't see him in the backyard. I called his name and his head popped up from a hole under the pine tree. He was about 6 or 7 and I'd say the hole was about 4 feet deep.
That's interesting. My oldest son used to dig holes for fun. For a couple summers in a row he'd dig under the pine tree in the back yard. Around all the roots, etc. One time I was looking for him and I didn't see him in the backyard. I called his name and his head popped up from a hole under the pine tree. He was about 6 or 7 and I'd say the hole was about 4 feet deep.

That's cool. I thought I was alone.

Yes sometimes I work.

Well you gotta figure out how to stop doing that.