Wavy PEX B hot water pipe

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Feb 1, 2025
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Maybe I did something wrong when installing my Pex B pipes, but the hot water side seems to have some wild waves in it after a month. The pipes were straight 10 foot runs I purchased from Home Depot, all were secured with c clips nailed into the framing, same as the previous PB was.

Is this normal? Something to worry about? There are no kinks, but a general waving back and forth.
it’s normal. Looks good and you agreed before someone deleted our posts.

Have a good day.
I think pex B says supports every 30" or something in that area. If it is moving to much for your comfort you can always add more J hooks
I did some calculations for a long PEX run in my basement and was surprised by the results. PEX expands at a rate of about 0.01% per degree F of temperature change. Assuming a wintertime basement temp of 55F and a hot water temp of around 120F, the max. resulting change of 65F could produce a pipe length increase of 0.01% X 65F = .65%. So a 10 ft run could change in length by nearly an inch. To accommodate that extra length, the pipe would need to bow out from a straight line by roughly 6 inches! (assuming you only clamp it at either end and that I didn’t screw up the math).
I did some calculations for a long PEX run in my basement and was surprised by the results. PEX expands at a rate of about 0.01% per degree F of temperature change. Assuming a wintertime basement temp of 55F and a hot water temp of around 120F, the max. resulting change of 65F could produce a pipe length increase of 0.01% X 65F = .65%. So a 10 ft run could change in length by nearly an inch. To accommodate that extra length, the pipe would need to bow out from a straight line by roughly 6 inches! (assuming you only clamp it at either end and that I didn’t screw up the math).
That’s interesting. I clamped it probably every 30 or so inches, which I thought was appropriate. I’m concerned that additional clamping will be more of a problem.