Watts water heater recirculator pump timer is sticking

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Staff member
Jan 5, 2010
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Southern California,
After 9 years, my Watts water heater pump has begun sticking, and the timer is failing to advance. When I rotate the dial, I can hear the impellor on the pump working, and all seems fine, but it has begun to stick on one of the timer tabs. Before spending another $250 and replacing it, has anyone had any luck blowing out the dust, then spraying a lubricant on the dial, to make it rotate better?
I actually used a can of air, blew out the dust, sprayed the dial with PB blaster silicone, and it is running like a top! Half my problem is the dust cover for the dial dropped behind the HWT, and I can't reach it. The cover reinstalled would have solved my issue.
I have customers that leave it on run all the time and have it plugged into a smart plug that they set scheduled with their iPhones. Any on off timer will work that suits your schedule.
That is an excellent idea. Kinda like the on/off timers for Christmas lights?