Water heater mystery

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Seems strange to me that tank temp was 8 deg hotter(88 deg) then the hot water outlet (at 80deg) one time, but pretty much the same the other times.
237v is at the one element. Verified that no water is coming out of the relief valve. I faintly hear water in a pipe, not spraying or dripping, just running in the bathroom wall. House is 14 yrs old and all co0pper. I watched it being built. wish I had taken plumbing photos now.

One other thing: got almost instant hot water at the bathroom fawcet. It used to take 2 minsutes to get hot water before.

It looks like you need to cut a hole in the bathroom wall! But where is the water going, and why don't you see it? It might be something you can easily fix yourself.
Looked at the photos I took as house was being built. The wall where we hear water...looking at the photos, there are no pipes in that wall!

No plumbers answer their phones on weekends here. Monday going to call a leak specialst company.
This device attaches to most digital water meters and can monitor usage and alert you to leaks. Might not help in this situation since it sounds like you already have a leak that’s been running a while and needs fixing, but maybe for future monitoring. I have one and it has saved me a ton of water by catching a few running toilets and being able to monitor and track usage and adjusting accordingly. Good luck!


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