Video Sewer Line

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2019
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I'm concerned whether my sewer line has a break, a belly, or just tree roots near the far end.
Plumbers who snaked the drain want to video the line, to see why I had a backup twice this year.
But, I'd rather DIY, since somehow, I don't trust them on this.
If I do DIY, aside from seeing roots, what should I be looking for?
if you do diy, look for a camera head that is "self-righting" or leveling.
old school heads don't have that feature and it is hard to view image when camera is sideways or upside down.
A good sewer camera rig will have a sonde on the end to allow a detector to pinpoint above ground where issues are. I doubt you will find equipment to rent that is much good...
if you do, share how it goes