Hello as you probably already guessed I’m not a pro. Is there any specification on the distance a vent stack that penetrates the roof must be from the gable eave of a house? I couldn’t find anything in my search. Thanks.
excellent replyPlumbing Code Citations for Plumbing Vent or Vent Stack Clearance Distances
Quoting the IRC model plumbing code
12.4.1 Extension Above Roofs
Vent pipes shall terminate not less than 6 inches above the roof, measured from the highest point where the vent intersects the roof. EXCEPTION: Where a roof is used for any purpose other than weather protection, vents shall extend at least 7 feet above the roof and shall be properly supported.
12.4.4 Location of Vent Terminal
a. Vent terminals shall not be located where vapors can enter the building.
b. No vent terminal shall be located directly beneath any door, window, or other ventilating opening of a building or of another building, nor shall any such vent terminal be within 10 feet horizontally of such opening unless it is at least 2 feet above the top of such opening.
c. Where a vent terminal is within 10 feet horizontally and less than 2 feet above a ventilation opening described in Section 12.4.4b and the line-of-sight from the vent terminal to the ventilation opening is interrupted by the continuous ridge of a roof, the ridge shall be at least 2 feet above the top of the opening. Otherwise, the vent terminal shall comply with Section 12.4.4b.
d. Where a vent terminal is within 10 feet horizontally and less than 2 feet above a ventilation opening described in Section 12.4.4b and the line of sight from the vent terminal to such ventilation opening is interrupted by a solid wall or solid barrier, the top of the wall or barrier shall be at least 2 feet above the top of the ventilation opening and the shortest travel distance around the wall or barrier from the vent terminal to the nearest edge of the ventilation opening shall be at least 10 feet. Otherwise, the vent terminal shall comply with Section 12.4.4b.
A roofer would be the last guy I’d ask.No worries, we all start somewhere, and it's great that you're seeking information. When it comes to the distance between a vent stack that penetrates the roof and the gable eave of a house, there are some general guidelines to consider, but it's always best to consult with professionals. (edited to stop spammers)