Stack pipe stink

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New Member
Apr 25, 2018
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About every 2-3 weeks or so our unfinished basement stinks like a sewer. The smell is coming from a large black iron stack pipe. We called our drain cleaning guy who checked the pipe with a camera and said there were no leaks. He also cleared the basement floor drain. The stink has not improved and I am certain it is worst right next to the pipe. Even on the other levels of the house the stink is bad enough to give me headaches. FWIW the house was built in 1901. Any ideas for next steps? Thanks in advance.
It's a 3-story house but we are soon having work done on a chimney that is close by so maybe the mason who is rebuilding the chimney can pour some water in. Thanks!
Problem solved (hopefully). We called in a second drain company since the first one couldn't find the cause of the stink. This guy found that a waste pipe (close to the suspicious pipe) had a 4" x 1" hole in it. The waste pipe is next to the furnace so the ductwork was circulating the smell. He patched it with epoxy and if that doesn't hold they will need to patch in some new pipe.
if your "plumber" is fixing your 100 year old drains with epoxy you need to find someone else to work on your house
I agree, professionals don't use epoxy. The best way to warrant a job is to replace the pipe.