New Member
I am in the process of a master bath remodel. I need some advice on how to complete an upgrade of my 1.5 inch shower trap to a 2 inch run. I have worked with and glued PVC before. You can see in the included picture, I have a 1.5 inch shower line (immediately reduced from 2 against code) running to the wye on the 2 inch main. Patching in the new 2 inch line and 2 inch trap back should be straight forward. But my issue arises in that the wye you see to the left of the shower drain wye, which is connected to the vent stack. The connection between the wyes is with a very short section of 2 inch pipe. This space is too small for a slip coupler. Seeing as how the new shower 2x2x2 wye will be pushed in right to glue and the 2x2x1.5 vent wye is not movable, does anyone have any suggestions on what steps to take to accomplish the connection?
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