No Toilet Vent

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Sep 13, 2014
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House built about eleven years ago on slab.
One of my toilets does not flush right. To get it to just barely flush you have to hold the flush handle down and the bowl nearly overflows before the water goes down with the ending gurgle.
I have had the toilet off and do not see any signs of a vent pipe connection. The 3 in drain pipe goes straight down (about 18 in.) to the 90 that turns to the septic system with no sign of any vent.

Will I have to tunnel to the drain and cut in a vent pipe to a outside wall ????
You usually don't see a vent when looking down a toilet drain that don't mean you do not have a vent. If it's the orignal plumbing you have a vent somewhere for that bath room group.
I have shined a flashlight down the 3" drain pipe and there no connections all the way to the bottom where it turns in a 90 degree bend towards the septic. The shower and sink drains work fine. I would think there should have been a 3" X 2" - ( y ) connection for a 2" air vent just below the cement floor for the toilet. Right?

Wrong. If the vent was installed correctly there is no way you can see it looking down through the toilet flange. What you describe is a basic clog in your toilet. Something is stuck, you will have to reach into the toilet trapway and remove it.
Wrong. If the vent was installed correctly there is no way you can see it looking down through the toilet flange. What you describe is a basic clog in your toilet. Something is stuck, you will have to reach into the toilet trapway and remove it.

Thanks, I have a toilet snake and will use it to see if I get any results.
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Wrong. If the vent was installed correctly there is no way you can see it looking down through the toilet flange. What you describe is a basic clog in your toilet. Something is stuck, you will have to reach into the toilet trapway and remove it.

have snaked the toilet several times with no good results. Problem still occurs. I did forget to mention that I have two low flow toilets and the one furthest from the septic does OK. When you flush it, bubbles rise from the center and then the swirl starts and it burbs done. The one that's not working properly does not bubble when flushed, it just begins the slow swirl and begins to fill up to near the top then slowly, slowly burps. Any large to medium load sometimes does not go. No bubbles, a symptom of the problem?

Thanks for any help
You are clogged. Remove the toilet and check the outlet on the bottom. Often items get hung up there and resist any snake or plunger.