Can't believe how simple the fix was!! The new plumber came and he decided to take the tub faucet off first and work his way up. Before doing that, he turned water on and agreed the water flow was very low. Then he noticed the tub faucet had a diverter on it...which wasn't needed since I had a fancy multi diverter installed separately. This tub diverter affected the shower head only, but the other diverter did as well. When he took that faucet off, the water pressure went way up. It was immediately apparant that the diverter valve there, was restricting water. All he did was put the prior tub faucet back on, which had no restrictions or anything inside it....and voila! my jacuzzi fills up in about 10-11 min!! He did have to solder a new threaded fitting so the spout could screw on again, but all was done in very short amount of time. No need to go into the wall. Thanks to everyone.