Mystery leak from stainless steel kitchen sink

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I hope you're right. I don't want to have to replace that thing anytime soon. A deeper sink would have been nice, but reviews of the one I liked said it scratches very easily.
I hear you. I am so OCD that weekly I will get out some 1500 grit flexibly backed "sand paper", Micro-Mesh brand, and remove all the scratches that were inflicted on the sink from the prior week's activities. I've got it down to a science and I wish I really had a life so I wouldn't care.
Personally I wouldn’t consider an 18 gauge sink. 16 gauge only. I’ve looked at a number of sinks in the past few years and chose Ruvati: loved them. Very high quality. Best value. My current kitchen sink is an awful “Sterling” builder’s grade. Not impressed. Apparently the builder was, probably with price. Sterling is the low grade of Kohler.
And if he sprayed Flex seal on the whole underside of the sink it would act as sound deadening also

RIGHT! The less costly sinks have small "patches" of a sound deadening material, as the OP found. (the pinholes were above). The higher quality sinks [used to, at least] have the entire underside of the sink coated. I suspect Flex Seal on the underside would be an improvement on any sink, leaking or not!
And if he sprayed Flex seal on the whole underside of the sink it would act as sound deadening also
That's the same stuff, almost, that we used to spray underneath cars to protect them from the harsh salt environment of a NY State winter. Acted as a sound deadening material too boot!
...and don't forget, if someone cuts your rowboat in half, you can use it to glue the pieces back together and make it watertight.

As much as we talk about that stuff, I'd love the manufacturer to send us a case of it so we could have a post dedicated to what this stuff really works good on?
Yeah, not using flex seal. Used it in a bathtub and results were awful. On phone so keeping responses brief.
I hope flex seal has improved since I last used it. The flax tape was absolute garbage-- wouldn't stick to anything and didn't have much flex. The spray just bubbled and peeled (and we followed the directions for use). Haven't tried the paint style.

Good to know that Sterling is the lower quality branch of Kohler. Didn't know that. At least the vikrell stuff feels stronger/thicker than some of the Delta wallsets and tubs.
We have a very nice Kohler sink and the only problem I have with it is that it makes a hellacious racket whenever we dump a tub on near boiling water in it. I guess that is its way of complaining that it likes to be heated gently. We didn't have that issue with the sink made of composite material however.
This one is stainless. It could be the In-Sink-Erator groaning from being fed near boiling hot water but It sounds like the sink is just expanding or bowing out at the bottom. We've learned to run some cool water at the same time and it seems to mitigate the noise.
I don't think I've ever had that problem with a stainless steel sink, but maybe my water just doesn't get hot enough. Never dumped boiling water down.
Tom, that does make sense. I know that the pipes can't handle over a certain temperature.
My father would only use 17ga brass tubular on Ksinks and lavatories

He liked to solder the trap in right up against the wall. He said that discourages DIY and the brass would last a longtime but not too long. 🤣🤡

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