Mystery goop on supply lines

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New Member
May 5, 2018
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Fotor_152557076894475.jpg Hello, I'm having a new property set up (manufactured home) and amidst the various headaches, several are plumbing related. I'd like to lighten the list of questions for my inspector, and see if I could get some insight on some concerns.

Concern #1. I was a bit surprised to find the supply line from the meter was connected to the PEX line with what appears to be a glued on fitting. Can anyone confirm from the attached photo that this is an acceptable connection for a pressure line?

Concern #2. Under the sinks in the home I'm finding purple slime dripping from the drains (which all leak SMH). Its slippery and washes off with water, does not set, smells slightly pleasent. I thought perhaps the pvc was primed while wet and this was the end result but then I found the same purple slime dripping around the washer hookups specifically from the pressure lines.. What is this crap? What is going on?

Thanks for any help. I need all I can . Monday should be fun.
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#1 that’s a pvc line on the right with a male adapter then a female pex adapter which is the correct way to transition.
#2. Tough to tell what the purple slime is without a picture but I’m guessing it’s pipe dope.
Sounds like primer to me. But could be wrong. Does it kind of stain your hand if you touch it?
Thanks for the replies. I was afraid i had another issue on my hands. Not that it matters, the building failed inspection on multiple accounts yesterday, including improper sleeving everywhere a line passes through concrete. The AC was put in the wrong place and doesn't work. Concrete poured around perimeter slopes towards the stem wall. So much for erosion protection. They still haven't hooked the gas or water heater up and know I'm supposed to be moving into this place to finish building it out, which was supposed to be done by summer. This started 5 months ago. They've really screwed up my year. The financier doesn't want to get legal, truly thinks they can finish the job. They ran the dryer vent towards the crawl space vent and left it pointing in the dirt.. They are obviously incapable of finishing the job.

The mobile home industry is full of baboons! These must be the same "pros" who were setting them up in the 70s, haven't learnt a thing in 50 years..

As for the mystery slime, its more of a handsoap pink than purple. It washes off very easily so I'm just not going to worry about it. The only places it has stained are the bloated particle board sections from construction workers repeatedly using leaky sinks..