I got my FIL coffee

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Well-Known Member
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Apr 5, 2023
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North Georgia
I'm very close to slapping him. He's 88, MIL is 86, suffering dementia and is in memory care. He lives 5 houses up the street, and "we" decided to feed him breakfast and dinner. I don't mind feeding him, but I do mind when he brings his tent and camps. According to him, "I need the social interaction." My thoughts? "Well, go cut my grass."

But the thing that burns me, is that lazy blankety blank, will come into my kitchen, sit at the counter, and wait for his coffee and cream to be brought to him. Mind you, he walks right past the coffee pot. I'll be $%^&^& if I'm getting him his coffee. Wife and her brother have put up with this crap all their lives. Legendary story - first Sunday dinner dating my future wife. he would not get up to grab a fork. The fork was 10' away. He finally yelled at my mil "I need a fork." Yes, he's the youngest of 7, but ffs.

Looking real hard at renting a basement apartment. This all started when I "retired." Now he wants me to come up and fix stuff around the house that he's too lazy to try himself. Yeah, I'm getting bitter.
Take a deep breath. Before too long, this will just be a memory. Whether you make it a good memory or bad memory, will be up to you.
Take a deep breath. Before too long, this will just be a memory. Whether you make it a good memory or bad memory, will be up to you.
I get it. But FFS. I've been married 46 years. It's debatable I'll make it to 47. "early on" in my marriage - lets say 20 years, my wife was completely capable of running the household until her parents walked in. Suddenly she was a bumbling idiot (and she isn't). It too me a few years to figure this out then I discussed it with her. Parasitic relationships are terrible.

My FIL is falling into the same spiral. Perfectly sane, does not want to make a decision until the committee approves. Worse, he wants to talk about it to an anal level that makes my ears bleed.

I've already told my eldest son - put a cinder block on my wheel chair and push me into the lake.