Sounds like you had water in the line?
Sounds like you had water in the line?
I am not a professional plumber but, after many battles with water in pipes I learned a few tricks.A "PLUMBER" would not fight the water for 2 hours
Pretty sure nobody on this forum works for Sharkbite or holds their stock in any significant quantity.No offense but it seems that many sharkbite stockholders are coming in to say how bitchen their product is. I still say they are crap, and NO, I am not a plumber.
I am not a professional plumper , but a DIY'er . I was tought the bread method years ago .
God bless
If they were "crap" the company would have gone out of business from lawsuits by now.
I have made a WHOLE LOTTA money re piping that crapI wonder how the engineers who passed Kitec and Polybutylene are doing?
I agree with frodo except the bread I have seen house with clogged water lines and fixture as a result of that but yes pex plumbers are losing the trade. New technology is great but learn the basics first. The new stuff is making plumbers lazy
Kitec was only good for about 10 years, polybutylene went a bit longer (15yrs?)
Push connect fittings have been around for about 24 years. Don't remember when sharkbite went on the market though.
One thing we all have to face is that in the 21st century, nothing at the consumer level is expected to last 50 years. Sharkbites may be good for 25 years but most everyone accepts that as overkill.
In the 70's a washing machine was expected to last at least 30 years. Now the best ones are only good for 10.
Personally, I would use Pex A with expansion fittings everywhere if I could. I solder copper a lot but a sharkbite here and there in a difficult spot can really come in handy.
it is copper,it is a mineral it is not a manufactured product, its shelf life is not limited to just 50 years
The sad part, Is a ''PLUMBER" is 'sposed to be trained in how to deal with water in a copper pipe
and not take 2 hours to preform a 15 minute task.
THIS, Is what is bothering me, The Young plumbers of today I call PEX Jockies,
They are leaving behind the skills they need to work with copper,
A "PLUMBER" would have air compressed the line to purge water
or used a bicycle pump
Or simple blew the water out with his mouth
or stuffed it full o of bread
or froze the pipe
A "PLUMBER" would not fight the water for 2 hours you happen to have a write up on all these various copper+water tricks in detail? I'm an apprentice plumber and I'm curious. I got this neat tool called a jet sweat, which I thought was going to be a lifesaver until I realized it doesn't fit through any of the ball valves or gate valves that my two suppliers can get. For the bread trick- is it just to get a valve on there before blowing the bread out through it? Or will it dissolve enough to make it through aerators and such just in case?
Take a break!Yep bad plumbers teaching bad plumbing to new plumbers yall do what ya want its dumb