I was hoping to run it continuously during winter time, and unplug it when it gets warm during summer time.. as our 900 sq ft condo gets hot water to faucets rather quick... and we only want to use it for the heating furnace..
A thermostat gives you automatic control over the operation of the Taco pump.
When the temperature in the room being heated by the hot water from the pump gets low enough, the thermostat tells the relay to turn on the pump, to send more hot water around through the ceiling heater.
The thermostat will also tell the relay to tell the Taco pump to shut off, when the room is warm enough.
I suppose you could run the pump continuously, or just plug it in or out of the wall outlet when heat is needed.
But you must already have a thermostat somewhere that is attached to those little wires.
And it was there for a reason, to make the system run automatically, when needed.
Not crudely by just pulling the plug when the room got hot enough.
Those two wires must to running from the thermostat (which is located in the living room hallway) all the way to the utility closet where the water heater / pump is at, to control the pump as you have state.. this makes a lot of sense now.. in theory, I could unplug it during the warmer season when heat is no longer needed in the house..And it also was meant to control the Taco pump, when heat was needed.