Garage Floor Leak in Condo

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New Member
Jun 15, 2015
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Hi everyone, new here, I hope that my question is not too general.... but over the past few weeks I am having an issue with my condo garage. The garage is part of the building I'm in (i'm on the 3rd floor), but it's deatched. A different neighbor lives right above the garage.

Over the past few weeks there is a water buildup coming from the ground in front of the garage. Now I assume there is some sort of pipe right under there, and that the various pipes from the entire building must flow out away from the direction of the garage to that main pipe?

If I am correct, what would cause this sort of water to leak? A clog way down? Wouldn't the leak only happen if there was a crack somewhere in the pipe?

I ask because the HOA is saying that the likely culprit is one of my neighbors, perhaps the person living above the garage. Now if water was coming from the ceiling I would believe that. They are taking their sweet time in investigating the problem by saying they need all neighbors present at the same time so they can run water one at a time and see where the leak is coming from. In a perfect world everyone would agree, but in reality 1 or 2 neighbors seem willing and others say they are always at work or out of town.

I am very novice at understanding plumbing but I have never trusted this particular hoa. I don't understand the HOA cannot investigate the water at the source, i.e. the ground or breaking into some drywall outside the building near the garage. It seems like a lazy way out to say one of my neighbors is causing it first. Also I feel this way because the water is not constantly showing up. It has happened perhaps once every 3-4 days, usually in the mornings. One of my neighbors was nice enough to see if ti was him and ran all his appliances and shower at once, nothing happened.

I should add that one of my neighbors suggested maybe it was the sprinkler system, since it could make more sense about it occurring once every few days (after all I have to assume my neighbors like to shower and use water on a regular basis!) but when I asked the HOA they said they had verified that was not the case.

Thanks for the read and I look forward to hearing your opinions!
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DEJAVU ?????? am i nuts, thought i answered this.

You might have. I have recently done the same . Reply to a post.
Moved on to another. Then discovered reply disappeared. :confused:

Server swap is playing with us.

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