Foam rises from sink drain?

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New Member
Sep 16, 2011
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We have just installed a 60/40 double sink, with the larger compartment deeper than the smaller one. When we handwash dishes in that larger compartment with dishwashing liquid, after about a minute, soap foam starts bubbling up from the smaller compartment drain. Any ideas on why, or how to fix it? The installers snaked the pipe but it didn't help.

use less dishwashing liquid, and ask yourself "is this REALLY a problem"
It is a problem because we someimes leave the washed dishes in the small sink to dry.
It doesn't matter how much liquid we use. It's almost like there is some air pressure pushing the foam up. None of the people we know with double sinks have this issue.
Here is a picture:


any help would be appreciated, thanks!

-- Mike R.
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Installing a seperate trap under each sink bowl instead of one trap serving both bowls would probably eliminate the problem. Also, I would use slip joint traps in your application. The traps could then be disassembled to snake the lines in the future.
Separate traps would require going into wall and replacing santee with a double fixture fitting or stacking two santees.

The problem is the way you have the tee installed
Here's what you do.
Redo the drain.

Put the tee directly under the large compartment drain and the p-trap directly below that with the run of the tee vertical.
The branch of the tee will then pick up the other sink.
This will allow the water from the larger sink to go directly into p-trap with less turbulence into the other connection from smaller sink.

Once the two sinks are connected then just run the horizontal drain out to the p-trap. P-trap is the last pc to connect.

Picture of a typical set up.

The 1st one is for a garbage disposal. just eliminate the disposal ell.


DSC01612 (800x600).jpg


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Actually, it is common practice here to install two separate traps on a kitchen sink with a single drain stubout. I know that some areas have an aversion to putting two traps on a single arm, but I know of no problems resulting from this.
it is a code violation where i am as each trap must be protected by its own vent. the only way it is legal here ( to use 2 traps on 1 branch is to have them seperatelly and individually vented OR by means of a dual sani-t ( t-wye here in canada )

I agree with mr. david here, you shoud do as he has said and I will wager your problems will be no-more. your current configuration would fail inspection here.
Not really related to the thread, but I am in the middle of an new construction apartment project that is rather interesting. I had some grand ideas of taking pictures of various segments of the plumbing construction and posting them here. I was hoping that it would spur some good conversation about different plumbing practices in different areas. But with as long as it takes to upload pictures via dialup, and the fact that I am inherently lazy and forgetful, I conveniently and consistently forget to bring the camera with me to work.
Actually, it is common practice here to install two separate traps on a kitchen sink with a single drain stubout. I know that some areas have an aversion to putting two traps on a single arm, but I know of no problems resulting from this.

I have a question for you Phish.
Where is here?

I started bring my camera to work several yrs ago.
Only because trying to explain something to the bossman is often impossible.
So I just e-mail him a picture or two when I get home.

Dail up:eek:
My neighbor recently was weened from dial up.
He got a new lap top and can connect via my wireless router to my cable Internet.
His wife is a little thrifty and she doesn't know that he is now using my wireless router
Bring your lap top and park out in front of my house and I'll let you use my connection too.:D
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Here is Central Florida, the Orlando area.

As soon as I buy a laptop, don't be worried when your wife calls and tells you that a beat up pink S10 is parked in front of your house.

I refuse to get cable, as the kids already love to waste time in front of the TV, and the phone company cannot seem to get their thumb out of their hiney to get high speed service to ~4 miles of roadway out here in the booneys.