First Post - Running piping through studs

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New Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Ok, my first post here on the site. Already parused some of the posts and learned some new information. (Tried the search function, but perhaps my parameters were too tight)

So, I am in the process of building a playroom in our basement, doing most of the work myself and hiring out for the electrical work and plumbing hookup to our boiler. Just finished up rigid insulation and studs, so now on to the plumbing.

I will be installing a third zone to hook up to our boiler, and had some questions on the piping to use:

1.) I measured my piping on the other zones, and it appears to be 7/8" diameter, so this would be 3/4 " pipe, correct?

2.) Due to this being a basement install, I will be running the piping through the stud walls, and then out the wall for the registers. From what I have read, I should be using a 1 1/2 hole in the stud along with a gasket? (Basically, I am thinking that the piping will run inside the wall until where the register will be, then pop back in the wall, and then exit again for the next register?)

3.) Is there a certain distance that the piping should both exit from the wall, and also a distance that the piping should be above the finished floor?

For some specifics, we live in Central Massachusetts with a poured foundation. 75% of the foundation is below grade, with appx 2 feet or so above ground. The space will be appx 450 sq feet, and I've used rigid 1" (R5) insulation, then 2 X 4 studs, then will have R 13 in between the studs.
My heating professional is going to be doing the pressure test and final hookups to the boiler, but is allowing me to run the piping so I can save some money.

I've done some basic soldering to repair broken pipes, so hopefully this is not too much of a task for me to undertake. Glad to be aboard the forum.
Where and how far off the floor will depend on the type and make baseboard you are using. I hope you did a heat loss to determine the amount of radiation you will need to heat the space. That should have been your first step.
