fill valve problem?

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Dec 31, 2020
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After each flush of toilet there would be sound of water drippling in the tank after tank is filled, the drippling can last 1/2 hr to hours. I opened up the lid and tippped the float arm upwards, that act alone stopped the drippling. Thinking I found the solution, I adjusted the screw to position the arm upwards (raising water level), but next flush same drippling problem recurred. I tried several things, many manuvers actually stopped the drippling, for example, applying downward pressure on fill valve also stopped drippling, but nothing was a permanent fix, after each flush same drippling returns. I already raised the float arm as high as it's allowed. Replacing fill valve will probably fixe the problem, but is there anything else to try?
After it shuts off pull the hose out of the overflow. If it takes care of your problem put the hose in about
1/2".as maybe it was in to far.
Is your water level in the tank higher than the overflow tube? It should be adjusted to stop 1/2 " below that tube.
Thinking I found the solution, I adjusted the screw to position the arm upwards (raising water level)
That's backwards, you want to set the float lower, so it'll turn the water off earlier (before it starts overflowing into the bowl).