Thanks phishfood, This digital meter does not have the leak detector triangles like the analog meters. It does supposedly have leak detecting capability and is supposed to display this on the LCD screen face if a leak is detected. Have seen no such display on this meter. I am certain the problem is a malfunctioning meter but proving that will be difficult. The water dept. doesn't even want to admit that it could be a defective meter simply because they say they have never had one malfunction. One can search on the internet and see that some have had problems with this manufacturer's meters in the past and I have yet to hear one person say higher pressure at the PRV with no leaks could cause this. Sent a nice non inflammatory, non accusing email to the manufacturer asking if they had any theories and of course as expected, did not receive a reply. Have checked with water department twice since last Friday and they show no abnormal usage in normal and non normal hours. We've probably all been in situations at some point in our lives where no one is willing to admit anything and basically they say "it's not my problem, it's yours". Pretty much what I am getting from the water dept. When the employee was here and did his inspection, he informed me that they sometimes never find the source of the problem. Only thing I can do at this point is pay the bills and keep records of everything as Caduceus suggested and if this appears again to contact regulating authorities for their assistance in getting a satisfactory resolution. Thanks to all for the feedback and suggestions and I will keep updated on this forum as the story unfolds.