Drain from Hell - DIY

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New Member
Aug 1, 2021
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I keep getting the scope caught and couldn't go down too far, first time using scope, but I will try again later. I think the clog is further down.

Pipe immediately turns horizontal and runs horizontal for 5 feet then turns left and eventually goes vertical, so it seems to clog once a year even though we barely use this toliet.

What I tried: I used powered enzymes for 5 days and an liquid green gobbler enzymes. (This made the pipe drain faster and fully drain, but clog still there)

I tried snaking it by hand and removed what I think was toliet paper. Wasn't able to get it down too far.

I tried a liter of Lye waited 24 hours and then flushed with hot water. (Still slow drains, but doesn't fully drain)

Poured 1 gallon on Lye in drain watered 24 hours and flushed with hot water. (Didn't fully drain)

I poured 1 gallon of vinegar in drain to cancel out the Lye. Waited hours and then snaked the drain. I was able to get the snake down 25 feet and afterwards the drain fully drained, but when I add water it still backs up.

I then poured simple green, dawn and water down drain and it does still fully drain. I was hoping to use camera to see how far down the clog is, but no luck so far. I think the clog is toliet paper mush blocking part of the drain and I was hoping to be able to remove it with soap and water. Yes I will most likely hire a plumber to snake it past 25 feet. I am just annoyed that this happens every year.

