^ No I countered their counter offer. This is the last time for that, if they don't except I am walking. They are in need to sell but want top dollar and no responsability for anything.
Them: We want to get paid for drive time to and from the job since we ride with you.
Me: How about no.
Them: But sometimes we have to make stops and run errands with you.
Me: Why don't you just meet me at the jobsite at 7am then.
^ Yes, When I was at the city in a meeting they said put the box anywhere behind curb then when the inspector came out this morning he said it needs to be moved over a foot. Have they ever moved that heavy of a box by a foot?
^ Is not aware that even yesterday, I had to give the dogs a 9th bath, and every room in my house have automatic air fresheners spraying every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day.