Blockage near clean out

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New Member
Nov 20, 2011
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We have a blockage near the clean out that is close to the house. The house if split-level and sits on a slab. So the plumber ran a camera and located the problem. He said it looks like a wire of some sort. We started digging and this is what we found in that location. Does anyone know what it is and if it is related to plumbing?



It's a meter box of some sort. Probably for an irrigation valve or some thing.
Thanks guys. Now that we know what it could possibly be, we will continue looking into it. We have not cleared the stoppage. We are calling NC811 tomorrow to see what utilities are around there. THANK YOU AGAIN!
Come to find out, this box was for access to the backwater valve. Didn't even know we had one! So it ended up that the backwater valve was stuck open with a root ball. So it had to be replaced. It ended up being $650 to fix. No problems since wahoo!!!
WOW that is a pricy backwater valve. At least you got everything working properly and thanks for letting us know.