Am I keeping the trap the same and just cutting out the 45 degree t and putting a sanitary t with a horizontal line and putting the vent off the horizontal line? Could you maybe draw it for me? Sorry I’m very new. I see how avv’s are installed online and they’re all installed off a horizontal but the drain goes into the wall and not straight up out of the ground like I have here
Cut the pipe right below that wye and put a coupling on and then raise it up for a tee. On top of the tee take your
AAV up as high as you can and then get a regular p-trap and put it in the tee. The trap that you have is a S-trap.
Sorry I would need my young grand son here to show me how to draw a picture for you. There's guys on here that can. LOL
With the vertical drain line so close to the sink drain, you will need to rotate the P-trap to provide a horizontal run to the sanitee. But here's a rough sketch of what TomFOhio was indicating.
Wrong kind of trap., switch to a p trap., and use a sanitary tee. Guy above posted a picture., extend the top of sanitary tee high as possible with the studor vent at the top...
Your current trap can siphon the trap dry and cause sewer smell to enter