I am installing an ASKO 3530 dishwasher but I have run into a frustrating problem. The water-in line appears to be a 3/8 pex-type hose - but in fact, it's diameter is slightly larger (maybe 1 or 2 mm) - and so I cannot put on a pressure fitting 3/8inOD as would seem appropriate. What can I do ? I cut a piece of the hose and brought it to 3 local plumbing shops but did not get a solution. They thought it might be a metric vs. imperial problem, (I am in Canada) but I called Asko and they assured me that this model (its from a few years ago) should have a 3/8 water-in hose coming out the back - but IT DOED NOT - it has a slightly larger diameter hose !! I suppose I can try replace the hose completely but it seems to be imbedded quite deep in the bowels of the machine. Any help here would be most appreciated. Thanks.
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