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New Member
Nov 4, 2011
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After some thorough research (and a few mistakes) i have a solution to a toilet clogging. Now the problem is would someone like yourselves buy it. This device is an attachment that goes inside the toilet pipe that catches forign objects and other objects that may clog the toilet. This device also has a self-cleaning mechanism.
I would be unable to vote until I saw pictures or a drawing to explain its purpose better.
As havasu said, we need to see pictures or a drawing but I also have to ask...How does a device that is installed inside the toilet or pipe separate the differences between "foreign objects and object that will clog a toilet" and the material that should freely pass through the pipes and toilet?
I can tell you that most plumbers are not accepting of a device that will impede the normal flow and clearing of a fixture. Any mechanics added to a fixture trap is also not allowed by plumbing codes. There are p-traps on the market that have mechanical parts for cleaning the traps, but cause more problems than they solve and I know of no plumbers who will install one.
Just food for thought, but let's see a picture first.
This is a link to the p-trap that I mentioned above to give you an idea of what I described. Good intentions...but plumbing codes forbid them for a reason.
OhGizmo! » Archive » PermaFLOW Self Cleaning Drain System