Accessing valve stem help

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Jan 4, 2014
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I am trying to access the stem on my kitchen sink and cannot figure out how to pull off the faucet handle. Has anyone worked with this type of handle and what did you do to get to the stem?

I know that the collar under the faucet handle unscrews. But even then, the faucet assembly will not come apart. Am I missing something?


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What type of faucet is it? Brand, and model no?

Also, could you get a picture straight down?
No idea on brand. There are no brand markings.

This is the closest pic I have to straight down. There are no screws anywhere on the faucet other than the one Phillips under the decorative cap.

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Can you take a pic of the entire setup?

If I'm correct in my thinking, its a ball style faucet.. no stem would be present..

Why are you wanting to access the stem? How old is the faucet?
Maybe a Price Pfister Marielle. (Faucet)
It is! I was able to get the handle up and off. It was just stiff. Thank you for identifying it. That will help!
Got the faucet handle off. It was just snug. This is what I see now. Is there a special wrench that fits inside to remove the plastic ring? I can see a set screw but can't get to it without removing the plastic ring.

I do not know the age of this faucet. Only that it is discontinued. I recently bought the house. When turning the water on, it leaks down and around the base. When I removed the metal collar, there was standing water inside the faucet orifice.

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This issue is fixed.
1) Brand name was Price Pfister Marielle
2) Handle was difficult to remove due to deposit buildup. Applied pressure on all sides equally to allow removal.
3) Used a 1/2" copper female adapter with pliers allowed removal of the retainer ring. There was no need to buy a special tool.
4) Submerged and soaked the faucet cartridge in CLR for 20 minutes and rinsed thoroughly in cold water to flush it.
5) Applied silicone grease to the O-rings and scraped all deposits from inside the faucet orifice. Removed deposits with a wet paper towel.
6) Put the handle assembly back together and everything work fine. No more leaks.
Thank you to everyone who assisted with this issue.
That faucet might be discontinued, but that cartridge is not. Many vendors will have that style . Turn off the water and go down to your local plumbing supply( Fergusons might be your best choice) . I just replaced a cartridge for the exact faucet last week, which is the only reason I know they make it still.
It is discontinued so I will need to go ahead and get a backup cartridge. Thanks for the info.