4 toilets occasionally make crinkly noise

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John Santosuosso

New Member
Oct 3, 2024
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I have a two story house with 4 toilets all on different levels of the house . Sporadically after I flush any one of the toilets I get a crackling sound from behind the wall , yesterday the sound lasted for a good 10 seconds . And it happened on 4 consecutive flushes. Today I have heard nothing as the sound comes and goes

Researching online has me wanting to jump on the roof and see if the vent line is clogged , ie I’d like to try a few things before calling a professional

For what it’s worth I live in Minnesota

Anyone want to chime in on things to look at . The noise is for sure a crackling sound , not a hiss , not a thump , might be a bit of a gurgle but it’s crackling
If it's a gurgle ,that's the sound a drain makes when clogging, hopefully the only thing that goes down the toilet is what comes out of you and what cleans you, excluding wet wipes
Ours does the same thing. It’s water and crap sloshing around in the PVC against the drywall on the way down. In my case at least. Been doing it for twenty years.
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